I did not help them. They helped me instead.

Jun 16, 2011 17:57

Jill, a rescued breeding dog, caged all her life with no love and proper care, without a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

The changing point in my life happened when my beloved chinchilla Momo passed away.

I was inconsolably upset as Momo's death was too sudden and too unexpected. He was my favorite boy, and I had raised him up from a baby. In the midst of grieving for Momo, I sought to find ways to connect with him. It was by luck or fate (I believe its fate) that I had started researching a bit on animal communication prior to his sudden death.

I was considering engaging an animal communicator to help me talked to my pets because it has always been a mystery to me as to what are on their minds. But those animal communicators that I came across are mainly all from overseas, well apparently animal communication is very popular overseas.

When Momo passed away so suddenly, I could not find any closure. I was a wreak, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. I went to google more about animal communication and I came across Zeus Communication. I was surprised to find out that they actually conducted animal communications workshop in Singapore and I missed that workshop by a couple of months. So I dropped them an email to find out when is the next workshop because I'm very keen to sign up for it.

I was told that it was in March and I could not wait so long to talk to Momo. I will go crazy, so they linked me up with the trainer, Rosina who does consultations for animal communication sessions. I fixed a consultation with her and she helped me to talk to 4 of my chinchillas. It was an amazing and eye opening experience.

Every animal came into our lives for a reason and the role Momo played in my life is very clear.

Because of my pets, my awareness for animal welfare increased exponentially. I started to wean out meat from my diet and products made from animals and products from companies that practice animal testings.

I was kept in Zeus' mailing list and subsequently, I read about Jill. It opened my eyes to the suffering of these animals and I could not just sit back and do nothing so I wrote in to Zeus' and asked if there's anything I could help.

The rest is history. I started volunteering there, doing whatever little bit that I can. This animal welfare 'business' is really an uphill task and can get mentally and physically draining but what kept us going are really those sweet animals. We may not be able to help all, but every little bit counts.

I signed up for the animal communication course and I've started to help both animals and pet owners now by being the voice for the animal and letting the owners know what's on their pets minds. I've also been talking to the rescued animals, to learn about their stories, so that I can be their voice to let the world know their plight.

You may think that I'm helping the animals so much but in reality, they have helped me tremendously. They keep me sane in the rat race world I'm stuck in, taught me previous lessons in life and brought so much joy to my life (minus the heartpain when I see their suffering).

So many of the rescued animals I come across, despite the sufferings and abuse they have suffered from humans, they still remain trusting and loving towards us. They have such strong will to live and are so appreciative for the little things in life. Just a simple pat and they are contented already.

When I'm with them, I feel so tiny. I complain so much about everything in life, yet these magnificent animals readily accept their lot in life. I curse and swear at people who hurt me and wish they burn in eternal hell and karma bites them in their ass, yet these magnificent animals bear no grudge towards the people who hurt them physically and emotionally.

All I can do, is to be the voice for them. I wish I can bring all of them into my home, but sadly I can't. I wish I can save all the animals that are suffering but in reality, it is impossible.

I get anguished, I get freaking mad, I get utterly upset when I see their suffering. Everyday I wish I can do more yet knowing there's only so little I can do.

I have friends who said, how many can you save, its impossible to save all. But that is not a reason for me to to sit back and not do anything.

I have thought that way before. Choosing to sit back, turn a blind eye and ignore the pleas for help. But I can't do it anymore.

One at a time. Every animal that we save, means there's one less suffering animal.

Look at Jill now.

The glimmer of hope in her eyes. Her happy smiles and wagging tail.

It is definitely worth giving up my time and efforts to see the transformation in her and all the other animals.

I did not help them. They helped me instead. They saved my soul and brought meaning to my life. Thank you.

You do not need to give up a lot of your time and efforts to help, something as simple as forwarding a message and educating the people you know about the plights and sufferings of the animals will go a long way in helping them.

There are too many animals to rescued, to many animals to help. If you are interested to do a bit more to help the animals, these are the areas that you may be interested in:

1. Donation of food, towel, toys, old furniture for the shelter dogs (the old bed frame maybe useless to you, but the dogs would love to have a place to lie on! :)), as well as food for the strays

2. Designing of adoption posters / flyers (you don't need to be a professional designer, we just need a simple poster for the animals ;) imagine how if the poster you designed actually help a dog get adopted! This kind of satisfaction, money cannot buy one :p)

3. Walking of shelter dogs (Some of them are getting a bit chubby and need a walk!)

4. Writing of stories for the blog

5. Photography of the animals (a photo tells a thousand word!)

6. Contribution towards the vet bills (Sadly, SG vets are so ex!)

Please email me at riko8@yahoo.com if you would like to help.

I thank you on behalf of the animals! :D


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