The day I talked to my pets

Nov 05, 2010 02:12

Today is a milestone moment in my life.

With the help of Rosina, an animal communicator and healer, I finally could communicate with my pets, Momo, Bernbern, Shasha and Nana. Bless her soul, she's such a kind and patient lady.

My mind is in an overactive mode now. The whole experience keeps replaying back in my head and I keep replaying the conversation in my mind.


My strong, courageous, gentle, sweet boy.

We started the session with Bernbern. It was a confirmation of what I had felt all the while. He loves to come out of the cage to play but he's scared because of his current physical condition. Rosina confirmed that Bernbern can't see very well and that the ear infection is irritating him a lot. But my boy is very courageous and he's trying his best to overcome the infection and I'm really proud of him.

I asked if there's anything I can do to make him happier and he asked for more treats. -__-" What's new? That boy is always asking for treats.

Rosina asked if his cage is on the floor because she saw images of feet walking past it. His cage is alleviated on a table but that's the view when I put him in his sandbath container. It must be so interesting to be able to see things from an animal's point of view.

I asked if he's bored or lonely and he said its still ok because there's a lot of activites and sounds around the house and he gets entertained by them.

I asked if he's affected by Momo's passing and he said he's ok with it but he know Momo's not around anymore and he mentioned to Rosina that Momo's sick. He must have sensed Momo's breathing difficulties during the final hours.

I asked why he doesn't chew the wood toys and he said its not tasty. OMG. -_-" Funny boy, him. Chew toys are meant for chewing and its not treats. Gosh.

I'm amazed how Rosina could tell the character of my pets and how accurate she is. She could tell Bernbern is a really sweet and gentle boy.

Rosina mentioned that Bernbern loves his sandbath and he hates it when I take his peepan out to clean. It was spot on.

He said he likes me as his Mummy and enjoys being with me. Rosina could see images of a lot of other chinchillas around which means Bernbern still recalls his time with the previous owner. He didn't quite like it there.

I asked Rosina if Bernbern could understand what I say and she said yes, but most of the time my thoughts are too fast and he can't catch them. Hmmm.


My timid, gentle, sweet girl.

When we moved on to Nana, the first thing Rosina said was, Nana wants to play, play, play and play. She loves to play but she's timid. Just yesterday, when I took her out of the cage to let her play, she struggled so much and scratched me accidentally in the process.

Rosina asked how long we had Nana because she saw images of guinea pigs and a lot of other chinchillas. That was the image from the petshop. As we recently moved her to my place, she's feeling nervous that she'll be sent back there as she doesn't like that place.

She said she likes it at my place cos there's more activites, more people and I spend more time with her.

I asked if she's ok that Shasha always bully her and she said she doesn't like it but she doesn't like to fight and if she fights back, Shasha will just bully her even more. Owells. I do stop Shasha from snatching Nana's toys and treats but when I'm not around, Nana is pretty much on her own.

Shasha is really quite a tyrant. She has a toy in her hands, but when she sees Nana playing with another toy, she'll drop her own and go snatch from Nana. The best part is, they are both the SAME toy. I'm very fair, I always give the girls the same toy. Same goes for treats. Shasha eats faster than Nana, and when she finished her treats, she'll go snatch Nana's treat. It happened so many times and I stopped her so many times.

I noticed they didn't eat so much of the pellets now and I found out Nana didn't quite like this brand of pellets. TSK. I switched their pellets to the more expensive brand and she prefers the cheaper brand.

Nana likes the new sleeping bag that we got for her and she thinks its very interesting. So cute.


My mischevious, playful, outgoing, tyranny, queen.

First thing Rosina said was Shasha's very talkative. Lol. I'm not surprised. She's a very sociable and friendly girl.

I asked if she's settling well at my place and Rosina said she likes it at my place, she gets to come out more often, there's more activities and I spend more time with her.

I asked if she has anything to tell Bern and she showed Rosina images of Bern walking in and out in a rush and images of people eating out of take-away boxes and she felt the place was very quiet and boring.

I was like... OMG.

Their cage was beside the dinning table, beside Bern's room and that explains the images.

She even told Rosina that the hay now taste softer and juicer. I have changed their hay to a better quality one.

I asked why she keeps bullying Nana and she said because she's the BIG SISTER, and Nana always doesn't listen to her. *shakes head*

I asked what toys does she want and she showed Rosina an image of a toy that I bought for her last time. When Rosina described the toy to me, I was surprised. I didn't know she liked that toy so much because she destroyed it in a matter of a few days.

Luckily she doesn't love treats the way Bernbern does. To her, treats are like hay and pellets, they are like food.


My sweetest, cutest, most beautiful baby. My precious baby.

Finally, it was Momo's turn. What I've been waiting for the past 2 weeks.

The first thing Rosina said when she 'spoke' with Momo was "He loves you a lot, a lot"

I teared when I heard that. Rosina could feel the deep connection between me and Momo and that he loves me a lot. I asked if Momo know's I love him a lot and I miss him so much and she said he knows. I can't describe the feeling that went through me when I found out that he loves me so much.

Rosina said Momo is at Rainbow bridge now and he's happy and well taken care of by a guy in the 20s (I'm very curious who this guy is because I don't have any relative who passed away in his 20s).

He said he has his hay and his basket of fruits and his hammock and he's very happy. Rosina didn't know I had cremated all these stuff with Momo and I had to explained to her why Momo said all these.

I asked if he's ok that I adopted Shasha and Nana and he said he's ok with it because no matter how many chinchillas I have, he knows he has a special place in my heart *tears*

I asked how was his transition and my heart aches to learn that the final moments were slightly painful. But at least he's safe and happy now. I asked why he didn't wait for me to bring him to the vet and he said his time was up.

I asked why he always peed all over the cage when he was alive and he told Rosina that its because I will always clean up for him, that I always clean his cage. That's how cheeky that little one can get.

He said he liked sleeping in the hammock because he felt like he was being cuddled.

He told Rosina to ask me to write a storybook with pictures about him. EHHHH??? I don't know where he got that idea from but I will do it for you baby. Give Mummy some time ok?

Funny. Maybe because he always sees me reading. I used to read books when I let him have his playtime on the sofa. I remember he chewed up the covers of quite a few of my books and newspapers while I was reading.

I bought a dreamcatcher and placed it on his urn. I asked if he likes it and he said he doesn't know what to do it it. Lol. The white feathers on the dreamcatcher reminded me of his soft fur.

I asked how was his life like when he was with me and Rosina told me this...

"He felt very loved by you and you didn't treat him like a chinchilla, you treated him like he was your own child. He enjoyed being stroked and massage by you and loves to hop onto your lap. He was very, very, very happy during the times he was with me, I spent a lot of time with him and played with him a lot. He loves being cuddled by me. He came to me when he was a baby and he grew up there. He loves me a lot and will always remember me."

It was very emotional but I felt really happy after learning all this.

There is no way Rosina could have know where Shasha and Nana's cage was placed or the toys that they have, she couldn't have know Bernbern loves his treats so much, she couldn't have know that I clean Momo's cage so frequently, and that I've cremated his treats, hay and toys with him.

I asked Rosina if Momo, Shasha, Nana and Bernbern could understand what I'm saying to them and she said Momo can understand me because he's very used to my fast thoughts, but Bernbern, Shasha and Nana have difficulty understanding me sometimes cos' I think too fast.

And because I'm so connected with Momo, a part of him will always stay with me and his energy will still be with me.

I know this feels like a very weird post to a lot of people, but you really have to go through the process to understand it. If you are a pet owner, you really should go through a session with an animal communicator. It allows you to have an insight into what your pet is thinking and helps you understand your pet better.

Animals are no different from humans. They think and they have feelings too. The only difference is, they can't communicate to us like how we communicate to each other, but they can hear us all the time. Its us humans who cannot quiet our mind down to listen to what they want to tell us.

bernbern, animal communication, mosaic, nana, shasha

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