2 girls and 1 boy.

Oct 26, 2010 00:06

I've 'adopted' Bern's girls over to look after them cos' he didn't have enough time for the girls. We had discussed this previously even before Momo's passing. Originally I had wanted to bring them over after my trip for about a month till Bern has more free time in Nov/Dec to look after them.

Momo could play with the girls too when they are over. I'm sure he would be very happy. Who would have thought...

With Momo's sudden death, Bern wanted me to help look after the girls on a long term basis. Bern fell sick after my trip and we didn't managed to bring the girls over till now.

Its a pity Momo didn't get a chance to play with the girls. I wonder who would end up bullying who. It would be a tough fight between Shasha and Momo. I remember debating with Bern that Momo would outrun and out beat Shasha any day.

We would never know now... would we? Momo, Mummy misses you.

This was the state the girls were in. Nana, especially, was in a very bad state. Her fur was very unkempt and matted, I suspect Shasha had been chewing Nana's fur.

Plus, Nana refused to sandbath when she was at Bern's place. Everytime he put her in she just sat in the corner while Shasha rolls away in the sand (which was like only once a week or once every 2 weeks, the poor girls. Momo had his sandbath twice a day and Bernbern has his once a day, because of his sensitive eyes, he can't bath too much)

They were really not getting enough attention and TLC because my man is sooooo busy. I try to play with them as much as I can and look after them when I'm over but still its not enough.

Shasha is a velvet while Nana is a white velvet. I'll always have a soft spot for mosaic chinnies.

This is their new toy, a sleeping bag. They were more interested in CHEWING the sleeping bag, then SLEEPING in the sleeping bag.


Finally Shasha managed to figure that that its a SLEEPING bag, not a chew toy and hop into it.

She tries to call Nana to go into the bag too, but Nana, being the timid one, refused to go in and hid in one corner.

She much prefer to chew on her wood.

See how beautiful her fur is now? ;) What surprises both of us was, I managed to get her to roll in the sandbath!

I left the sandbath container in the cage, put Shasha in and let her roll first. After Shasha jumped out, I put Nana in and cover the lid. I told her sternly that if she refused to roll, I will not let her out and within 2 seconds, she started rubbing her cheeks against the sand and rolled a few times. I was amazed. Bern couldn't get her to roll for the past 3 years!

I opened the lid for her after seeing her rolled a few times and she continued to stay in the sandbath container and played with the sand. Shasha jumped in and joined her. Its so nice to see them play in the sand and enjoying themselves so much.

Nana even fell asleep in the sandbath container. Awwww.

She's enjoying her sandbath so much now, I don't even need to catch her into the container. She jumps into it herself. ONLY problem now, Shasha likes to jump in together with her and snatch her space. Its very obvious whose the big bully here.

Shasha's very active, its really hard to get a clear picture of her.

Shasha's the adventureous and daring one. She dares to hop out of the cage and onto my lap herself while Nana only dares to stick her head out of the cage. Maybe with time, I can coax Nana out of the cage too.

The 2 girls are so much bigger in size compared to Momo. They are almost twice as big as Momo and weighs almost twice as heavy as Momo.

Adventure time!

Kiss kiss time. When Shasha's not busy bullying Nana, she can be really sweet to Nana.

While the girls were busy creating a havoc, I managed to catch another funny sleeping posture of Bernbern.

My boy can really sleep in all kind of posture.

Like that also can sleep... :)

I think he's getting used to the 2 girls already, he didn't throw any tantrums these 2 days. What a sweet boy.

On the first 2 days when we brought the girls over, he shifted his pee pan and made a great mess out of his cage. Bernbern's unlike Momo, he VERY RARELY shifts his pee pan.

I make sure I go to him first everytime and after I finish attending to him, then I'll go attend to the girls and he seem fine now. No more shifting of pee pan and no more big mess for me to clean up. :)

That silly boy must have gotten jealous when the 2 girls came over.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

bernbern, momo, nana, shasha, bern, via ljapp

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