Exciting times again

Oct 21, 2010 10:38

Last day at work today!

Wish Momo is here with me to celebrate this joyous day. I was looking forward to the short break so that I have more time to play with him. I know although he's not here with me in physical form, he is here with me spiritually, I can feel him and he will forever be in my heart. Although we are separated physically, I feel closer to him now spiritually. Our bond is even stronger.

Life is so unpredictable. Treasure your loved ones, and that include your pets! Love  them with all your heart and give them the best that you can, because they love you unconditionally.

Bern is bringing Shasha and Nana over to my place today. Looking forward to seeing the girls later. Hopefully, with my TLC, I can get them back to their previous pretty selves again. I have a mission to accomplish!

I managed to find out that there will be a workshop on Communicating with Animals that will be held in March 2011 in SG! This is so exciting. Animal Communication is very big overseas but not so much in SG.

I am very keen on taking up workshops to learn how to communicate with animals and I've been spending a lot of time doing research on this recently. All the workshops I found are mostly in the States. Imagine my joy when I came across this one that will be held in SG.

In the meantime, I'm trying to get in touch with an animal communicator who can help me with Bernbern and of course, Momo.

Aiyoh. I'm so excited la.

bernbern, work, animal communication, mosaic, nana, shasha, bern

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