Hello Momo, how are you up there?

Oct 18, 2010 17:39

It was so difficult getting to sleep. I couldn't get into a deep sleep, everytime I try to close my eyes, images of Momo comes to my mind. It takes all the mental strength I have to not cry but I still teared. Only managed to catch less than 1 hour of sleep.

Owells. At least its better than bottling it up inside.

So many things were running through my mind.

I suddenly recall prior to Momo passing away, I had a VERY STRONG feeling that he was very unhappy in the cage. That got me started on the hunt for a bigger home for Momo and till now, I still didn't manage to get any as none of the cages I saw were big and safe enough for my boy. The acrylic ones are safe but its still not very big, and the metal ones didn't seem safe enough for him, knowing how mischevious he can get.

So I decided to let him out to play as often as I could. Initially I let him played on the sofa. My parents were very against it cos' he pooped all over and even peed on the sofa and chewed the sofa.

I pleaded with them to let Momo out to play and they relented and bought a protective sheet to cover the sofa when he comes out to play.

With Momo's character, he soon got bored of the sofa and started trying to jump off the sofa to play on the floor. I caught him back each time. I do feel bad everytime I catch him back. Its like I'm deprieving him of all the freedom.

Subsequently, the feeling of him wanting to play on the floor got EVEN STRONGER and I let him out to play on the floor on the sly when my parents are asleep. I felt so happy seeing how he enjoyed himself and he didn't poop on the floor at all.

They say animals can communicate with us and try to communicate with us all the time. Was that Momo trying to communicate with me, giving me the strong feeling that he wants to play on the floor? Please communicate with Mummy now, let me know you are well, you are happy.

Gradually, I pretended to let him 'escape' from the sofa and run on the floor when my parents were around and when my mum saw that he didn't poop on the floor, she allowed him to play on the floor.

I could feel his joy each time he got his playtime on the floor and my heart was loaded with SO much guilt each time I have to put him back because Momo is noctarnal but I'm not... I gotta sleep and work the next day. I would stay up as late as I could so that he could get as much playtime as possible. I always got soooo much nagging from my parents but I didn't care. Momo's happiness was too impt to me then my own sleep time.

Each time I try to let him play till his tired and I can only sleep in peace when I see him sleeping in his cage. It pained my heart to see him hopping around restlessly and pawing at the cage asking to come out to play when I couldn't let him out to play.

Part of me is relieved that he is in a happy place now, with no cages and can run around freely the whole day, but a bigger part of me misses him so much for my own selfish reasons.

None of us could explain how he passed away so suddenly. None of us could fathom that the thread was the cause of his death. My uncle who had been keeping a lot of different animals since he was young said from his experience, it cannot be the thread that caused the death. He said he must have some hidden problems which we didn't know.

Yet all of us saw with our own eyes how well and healthy he was right up to yesterday before the tragic swallowing of thread happened. He could still hop around normally, except he had problem breathing and seem to keep trying to spit something out from his mouth.

Dr Hsu just called me (bless his soul, he's the kindest and most loving vet I know). I described to him the entire process and he said its very unusal for animals, even small animals to die from ingesting a thread. The breathing difficulty and rubbing of his mouth was also unsual. There are cases where thread has gotten entangled in the gut of small animals and that can lead to breathing difficulties but that would take quite some time to occur.

From the moment Momo ate the thread to him having breathing difficulties, it was only a few short hours.  Even if it had gone down the windpipe, it should not have suffocate him cos' its a thin thread.

The only possible explanation he can think of was Momo was in stressed because of the discomfort. Some small animals can't cope well with stress and can die from it.

Poor Momo. Baby, you are free from all the stress and discomfort now. Be happy at rainbow bridge. Mummy will see you one day and we will reunite again.


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