My lil' Mosaic Boy

Sep 16, 2010 12:09

This is the long overdue birthday post for Momo.

Dearest Momo,

Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life. You never fail to bring a smile to my face when I look at you. After a long tiring day, I feel recharged when I play with you. You are such a cute lil cheeky boy.

I bought you with the intention that when your korkor Bernbern recovers, the two of you can keep each other company when Mummy is not at home. But from the look of things, it might not happen. And also, for my own selfish reason of wanting to nurture a chinchilla from baby.

This is your birth cert and Kaki was your birth name. I had renamed you Mosaic and has been calling you Momo for short ever since.

This was you when I first saw you at the shop. You were a 4 month old baby and is very active and is not scared of strangers at all. You even hopped onto my lap at the shop. I had my eyes set on you amongst all the other chinnies in the shop. That was our affinity.

This was our first photo together.

This is you doing the "stand stand" trick at 4 months old. Look at the blur look on your face... :)

You were so tiny

Slowly you grew up... you are still a tiny boy at 1 year old compared to Bernbern, Mummy hope you'll continue to grow taller and stronger ok?

You are so tiny, you can fit into a cup!

This is you doing the Puss-in-boots look. Tell me how not to love you?

Sometimes, you like to stick your head into things.. I dunno why

Everything that you can get your paws on, goes into your mouth.. including my hair.. table mat, books and clothes were not spared too -_-"

This is the mess you leave for me to clean everyday...

When I ask you not to mess up the cage like this, you ask me to TALK TO YOUR HAND. Tsk

So I decided to teach you a lesson, by turning you into a goat...

But when I see how cute you look when you stick your head out of the hammock... I can't bear to scold you for being naughty :)

Baby, continue to stay healthy and stay happy always. Mummy loves you always.


P.S: Looking back at his pics, I realize the grey patch on his face faded as he grow older.

I'm feeling rather tired today because Momo kept me up very late last night. Each time I put him back to the cage, he demands to be let out again. Maybe its because I let him played on the floor instead of the usual sofa, he got too excited and didn't want to go back and sleep. But its definitely worth it, seeing how much he enjoyed his playtime.


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