Nov 05, 2008 16:35
There are going to be a lot of babies born nine months from yesterday.
I'm just saying.....
I'm just as happy that Vote Yes Minnesota passed as I am about Obama. Like a lot of people of my generation today, I've found some patriotism. But I'm even prouder of my blue green state.
Go Minnesota!
You've consistently voted democrat. Not even the RNC could convince you otherwise.
You did ban same-sex marriage in the 70's as well as in 1997, but there is still hope for the future. That you were even addressing the issue so early says a lot about your progressive tendencies.
You contain on of the most gay-friendly cities in the country
You are ahead on environmental protection, incredible in a state that will always need to heat every home in the freezing cold. One U of M campus (Morris) is heading towards 0 carbon footprint by 2012 and by next year will be entirely run on wind power and biomass.
You're going out of your way to protect the arts and fund educational initiatives.
Your teachers are wanted everywhere they go, because you have one of the most rigorous training programs in the country.
You have four seasons.
The second most theatre seats per capita.
The second best city for theater You might not get paid, but you'll do great theatre
An amazing music scene that created Bob Dylan, Prince, The Replacements, Atmosphere, Brother Ali, The Andrews Sisters,
You boast incredible urban areas and beautiful natural landscapes. Offering a little bit of everything
Minneapolis and St Paul alone have 57 museums.
The first open heart surgery and the first bone marrow transplant in the United States were done at the University of Minnesota.
You host the largest non-juried Fringe festival in the country.
You had the first public radio.
The Coen Brothers
Second longest life expectancies.
Minneapolis ranked #1 in the 2007 "America's Most Literate Cities"
Sears and Target were both begun here.
Now all we have to do is keep on going like we have and get rid of Pawlenty, Coleman and for godsakes Bachman!
I'll probably be leaving the state for grad school and work in the next two years, but Minnesota will always be home.