I am becoming a goal orientated person

Apr 30, 2008 19:26

i have started making like real goal for my self and following through its really nice

i wanted to save money - $90 in a drawer 40 will go to my mom for concert tickets the rest is mine for the summer

list of goals
before my 17th birthday
- stop sucking my thumb
- get my own car

before my 18th birthday
- hook up with a boy
- decide which type of collage to apply for (arts, liberal arts, public 4 year, private 4 year...)
- see the east coast

- never work in food service
- stay at a concert till it ends
- have babys
- raze good human beings
- live in the same city as marrisa
- travel the world
- get over my fear of big city's
- and the one of vacuums
- go to a strip club before i am a senor in high school (with jess and sam of course)

school, me, friends, money, summer, life, dork-y-ness, collage, random, goals, birthdays

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