(no subject)

Sep 20, 2004 15:56

What a beautiful day. It was the first time in more than a while I actually needed a jacket in the morning. No complaints for yours truly.

Late last night… Or is it early this morning?... We got back from out weekend jaunt to Washington D.C. I want to be a Senator now. Screw the whole President thing. We went down for the Green Festival (and also just to get away from life for a few days). We got to listen to Greg Palast’s lecture, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” and then Sandra picked up an advance copy of his DVD “Bush Family Fortunes” (which he signed for her… Ebay, here we come), which will be coming out this week I believe. Please go buy it internet people (an excerpt of it exists on the “Rock Against Bush” comp). The weekend was full of education, touristy stuff, and sitting in busses for hours and hours on end (New York to D.C. is still a shorter trip than Centralia to Pullman… food for thought).

Being the tourists we were, we started going the opposite way from Union Station that we were intending on going (the bus dropped us off in Chinatown). These two guys come up to us, ask us were we’re going, give us directions and then proceed to tell us how they’re trying to raise money for AIDS awareness and education… bla bla bla… the tall guy hands us a flyer from their “corporate sponsor” and proceeds to give us an heartwarming, soul expanding, love life or it will pass you up pep talk… bla bla bla… I give him a dollar, he wants to make a deal, I give him five bucks, and he won’t ask for any more from Sandra… bla bla bla… We’re poor too, they wish us a wonderful and safe stay in D.C., we go our separate, but positive, ways. This was the first 15 minutes of our nation’s capitol for me…

Sunday roles around and we’re heading back through Chinatown to leave, and low and behold, our friend, the tall, cross-eyed, AIDS inflicted, motivational speaker (who was originally from East Orange, NJ) steps into our path with a handful of new flyers. A smile and an “I’m broke” was all that was exchanged during this 2nd chance meeting. That was my last 15 minutes in our nation’s capitol.

… Oh yea, the “flyer from his corporate sponsor” was a Starbuck’s menu lifted off one of their counters. Never has anyone put so much heart and emotion into hustling me. That guy deserves my dollar. :)
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