Mar 22, 2017 20:32
I was most fortunate today.
I picked up a replacement CPAP machine that is the same make and model as the one have been using since 2008.
The old CPAP was having problems with the on/off switch...but with over 18,000 hours of use I guess it was getting tired.
The new to me CPAP has 98 hours of use and I paid only $95CDN for it.
A brand new CPAP would run over $2000CDN for the CPAP and accessories.
I found the new machine on a Canadian buy/sell site called Kijiji.
I'll be keeping the old machine as a backup and will be taking it with me to the hospital next week...after that I'll take it apart and see what's needed to fix the on/off switch.
I do like saving myself a bit of change. :)