Jan 28, 2017 16:41
Friday I traveled to the city of London, Ontario to see a specialist at the University Hospital located there.
I managed to get lost twice >_< which made me an hour late for my appointment.
Fortunately the doctor was able to see me.
The diagnosis was that I do have a Fistula and need surgery to fix it.
The surgery is currently scheduled for the afternoon of March 28th.
The exact procedure that will be performed will be decided on the operating table, once the surgeon is able to determine exactly how much muscle tissue is involved. The surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure.
The possible side effect that I was warned about is Anal Incontinence....which is a possibility that has me rather terrified.
I still have to figure out how I'm going to get to and from London on surgery day as I won't be able to drive after anesthetic...Grey Hound Bus Lines is the current method I'm looking at.