Weekends are too short...

Feb 22, 2010 01:16

I should have been working this weekend, in advance of very scary deadlines in the very near future which I had planned to render less scary by getting more done...

There are always too many distractions around, though! I think the weekend needs to be an extra day longer, so I can get in a normal weekend *plus* at least a day's worth of uninterrupted work. (It's no good trying for that during the week - my teammates are showing a tendency to panic if they can't ask questions every five minutes. This may be a form of revenge for my own hissy fit early last week that ensured my own stress levels were evenly shared out around the team ... fair call if so. But still not helpful. )

In the meantime, I have distracted myself with the application of dark chocolate in tasty quantities, a night's dancing (*much* better than my last attempt at the same) and watching the goings-on in Vancouver on the seldom-used TV, while trying not to listen to the accompanying commentary. I rarely watch commercial TV (or any TV, really) and sport is rarer yet... are all sports presenters as inane as Eddie McGuire? He was so totally outclassed by Jonny Weir in that snippet of an interview! As far as actual sport goes, I caught some of the women's aerials (fairly predictable), super-G slalom (I'd love to ski that run - looks fun) the men's ski jump (fly!) and several replays of the bobsledders hurtling down their track on their heads, surviving only to be accosted by very rude and clueless interviewers at the bottom; I'm not sure which part of that would have been worst.

Oh well, it seems to be Monday again. Am I allowed to object?
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