Five things from the last 24 hours

Sep 09, 2015 15:51

1. I am so glad that we live in a time of fabulously coloured amazing textiles. Have you looked around at how bright we are? We're amazing! I was surrounded by vivid purple, turquoise and pink today as I got my coffee, and it made me so happy.

2. Disability co-ordinator didn't get back to me regarding being able to sit somewhere I could lipread, but did post a note to the company Yammer that an Auslan interpreter would be at all major events. Wavering about whether to go to the event or not.

3. I spent a huge sum of money on 12 beautiful Copic-alike pens (Mepxy, for anyone who cares), and I am totally in love with them. I picked a set of neutral grey pens, because I am most comfortable with graphite pencil and charcoal and conti. I've greyscaled some of my photography to work on as an experimental start in using them.

4. My work has gotten ridiculously nested. I start on project A, only to need to do something on B, then a bit of C, and then D ... and then find myself at the end of the day unable to close my nests. Augh.

5. I've found myself thinking in Danish, after binge-watching three seasons of Rita (Danish comedy-drama). Barn, tak, venskab, morgen, mor, mormor. This won't help with learning Finnish at all, but still. Immersion apparently works for me. Any recommendations for Finnish TV?
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