Nov 12, 2007 21:20
So I thought I was going to get fired today.
Friday I had heard talk that someone had a customer service call monitored, a process which not only captures the audio recording of the call, but also the computer activities of the customer service representative. As it turns out, one of the girls in my training class had accidentally alt-tabbed to an email I had sent earlier. The gist of it was "The managers around here could use a course in basic psychology. Withholding the privilege to wear jeans on Monday for poor performance on Friday totally messes up the timing of the punishment. Also, cooking bacon in the break room for the team that performs well and leaving the rest of us to smell it but not be able to have any sends mixed messages." So imagine my surprise when my supervisor pulls me aside, tells me that my email was captured during a call review, and her reaction is "Let me know how we can do better." I just about bust my shit laughing. I was like "Wow, how proactive of you. I know some bosses that would have booted me to the street." Oh yeah, and I found that I can check both my gmail and yahoo mail accounts from work. Hooray!