rewindurmemories: hey, after reading ur journal i think its really funny how you seem to think everyone is copying you and you make the latest trends.
modern hearts: haha ok, but after reading my journal you should have realized that each one was for a certain individual.
rewindurmemories: i did realize that
rewindurmemories: and, in previous entries that i read it seems like you think everyones copying you
modern hearts: i dont, people are.
modern hearts: you obviously dont know me, so before assuming things...make sure you know how things are.
rewindurmemories: huh?
modern hearts: THEY ARE.
rewindurmemories: copying you?
rewindurmemories: HAHA okay
rewindurmemories: you didnt start anything
modern hearts: haha ok.
modern hearts: its cool how you IM me && know nothing about me.
rewindurmemories: stop thinking your so cool that everyone copies you
modern hearts: && asusme things
modern hearts: i am so cool that people copy me.
modern hearts: so get over it
modern hearts: && suck it
modern hearts: :-)
rewindurmemories: but you aren't cool
rewindurmemories: at all
modern hearts: oh, i ammmmm
rewindurmemories: your whole personality
rewindurmemories: the way you come across
rewindurmemories: you aren't cool
modern hearts: && im going to care what you think?
modern hearts: nope.
rewindurmemories: your just a copy of people you've seen before
modern hearts: :-)
rewindurmemories: like the older kids at spaulding, who dress unique
rewindurmemories: your just a copy of them
rewindurmemories: i think its funny :-P
modern hearts: theres no kids who dress unique at spaulding...everyone copies everyone. but people copying me have nothing to do with how i dress.
rewindurmemories: exactly
rewindurmemories: no one copies you
modern hearts: so, dude before you ASSUME shit...know exactly what im talking about && then you can come to me && give me your opinions
modern hearts: but for now i dont care
rewindurmemories: no
modern hearts: so you might as well quit while youre ahead
rewindurmemories: you said
rewindurmemories: no one copies anyone at spaulding, well you go to spaulding and im going to assume the friend your talking about in your lj goes to spaulding
modern hearts: nothing you say to me is going change me or make me stop thinking, wait scratch that, knowing what people do.
rewindurmemories: wow you make no sense
modern hearts: i know, i make dollars
modern hearts: :]
rewindurmemories: from the looks of where you live, no you dont
modern hearts: haha, okay
modern hearts: youre neat.
rewindurmemories: you're a copy catt
rewindurmemories: and then you complain about other people copying you
rewindurmemories: it really makes me laugh
modern hearts: awesome, im glad i can bring you amusement.
rewindurmemories: and how you talk like everyone else
rewindurmemories: with the whole
rewindurmemories: &&
rewindurmemories: thing
modern hearts: haha ok
rewindurmemories: but, no you dont copy anyone :-P
modern hearts: nope
rewindurmemories: you just talk like everyone
rewindurmemories: dress like everyone
modern hearts: kay
rewindurmemories: you cant tlel me
rewindurmemories: that
rewindurmemories: lindsay boulanger doesnt dress unique
modern hearts: ok.
rewindurmemories: its funny how self centered you are that you think everyone copies you and no one else can be unique except tiffany
modern hearts: ok.
rewindurmemories: i mean honestly, how many people have ever worn rainbow before you did? how many people have gotten their lips pierced before you did?
modern hearts: ok.
modern hearts: but seriously...did i ever say that people copy how i dress? or people copy me because i like rainbows? or that people copied me because i got my lip pierced? i think not.
rewindurmemories: no
rewindurmemories: you didnt say it right out there
rewindurmemories: hold on
modern hearts: i didnt say it period
modern hearts: && its not what i mean.
rewindurmemories: you didnt make it blantantly obvious
modern hearts: so stop acting like you know
modern hearts: jesus
rewindurmemories: but everyone gets the point you were putting across
rewindurmemories: i and numerous other people think your pathetic
rewindurmemories: stop being my fucking clone.
rewindurmemories: thats in your lj
modern hearts: no, its not what im putting across...if i thought people were copying how i dress i would say "DONT COPY HOW I DRESS"
rewindurmemories: whats that mean that shes copying you
rewindurmemories: right
rewindurmemories: right
rewindurmemories: stop trying to fucking convince yourself youre cool
modern hearts: && that has nothing to do with my clothes.
modern hearts: or my piercing.
rewindurmemories: riight
rewindurmemories: stop being my clone?
modern hearts: or my rainbows.
rewindurmemories: do you know what a clone is?
rewindurmemories: stop trying to fucking convince yourself youre cool
rewindurmemories: that obviously means you think your better
modern hearts: why is what i think such a big deal to you?
rewindurmemories: oh look =-O
rewindurmemories: dont copy me, period
rewindurmemories: you did say it
modern hearts: dude, youre lame.
modern hearts: im done.
modern hearts: keep going though
rewindurmemories: your pathetic
modern hearts: ok
rewindurmemories: it says in your journal DONT COPY ME PERIOD. see you're such a hypocrite
modern hearts: i am a fucking hypocrit, but its none of your fucking business.
modern hearts: i do believe i said that too
modern hearts: hahahah
rewindurmemories: well maybe you should make it more clear, considering as you said before that entry was directed to one person
rewindurmemories: oh and this made me laugh aswell
modern hearts: no, i didnt. i said each line was about certain people.
rewindurmemories: dont fucking copy me && go say how everyone else is so unoriginal, moron.
modern hearts: awesomeeeeee
modern hearts: im going to conclude this all. i dont care what you think. you can think what you want about me...assume what you want. its not like anything you say is going to matter or change how i say things, how i dress, & what i do.
rewindurmemories: no
rewindurmemories: im simply saying
rewindurmemories: you think your little ms. unique and that everyone copies you
modern hearts: now go read into someone elses journal && attack them for things you dont agree with
modern hearts: seeing how you enjoy it oh so much.
modern hearts: or better yet
rewindurmemories: hahahah when did i say that?
modern hearts: get yourself a journal && talk about me in it.
modern hearts: :-)
rewindurmemories: i have one
rewindurmemories: and i wouldnt want you to think i was copying you for venting
rewindurmemories: because you know
rewindurmemories: no one vents
modern hearts: yeah, i agree...that would be a good idea
modern hearts: cause i might just write about you in my journal while i vent about how you copied me while you were venting
rewindurmemories: yep because everyone lovess to copy tiffany
rewindurmemories: even though shes about as unique as a livejournal
modern hearts: i know it
modern hearts: sure am
rewindurmemories: hahahah
rewindurmemories: i hate to cut this short, but i gotta go clean my lip ring
rewindurmemories: bye
modern hearts: haha ok, bye bye