Nov 02, 2004 17:12
I just got back from my great uncles
I cant explain to you how sad it was to see my family in so much sorrow.
I really cant tell you how much i cant stand to see my mother sitting there crying and squeezing my hand to the point where it was numb. I saw his open casket.I kind of wish i wouldnt have but I remember at my grandmothers funeral I let people talk me into seeing her open casket, and i feel it was partially a mistake becuase it broke my heart to see her dead, but then again she looked so peaceful. I dont know. I mean i wasnt extrememly close to my great uncle like the rest of my family was,but the fact that someone in my family that has seen my grow up throughout my life is now gone, it just hurts. Well, i wont rant too much about the funeral becuase its done with and nothing can change what happened.
When i got there though everyone didnt recognize me because i have "grown up" so much.I wondered why none of my family spoke to me at first, my mom had to tell them who i was, that was the only funny part all day long but yeah. I really realy dont want to be around for my grandparents funeral, my uncle who is on the edge of death, or anyone else in my family for that matter. I really dont think i could take it.
on the way home i saw the worst thing ever
a Tennessee/Bush fan. Who had a Tennessee sticker and a Bush sticker. No offense to the bush suporters but i think im entitled to my own opinion, as are you.