A little happiness ★ 1st

May 22, 2011 19:42

Title: A little happiness
Author: babiettangkoma
Pairing: Yesung-centric. Spesifications: main!onesided!Yesung/Kyuhyun, onesided!Kyuhyun/Sungmin, onesided!Yesung/Siwon, friendship!Yesung/Donghae, Yesung/Eunhyuk, brother!Yesung/Leeteuk, Yesung/Heechul, slight!Sungmin/Ryeowook
Chapter: 1/?
Genre: ANGST!!
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Grammatical errors
Disclaimer: Super Junior is belong to them self...
Summary: He loves him, but he loves another person. He try to give him happiness just like he promised when they start their onesided love relationship.


You know that he likes you since the beginning you were become the member of a big boy band family, Super Junior. Even though he never say anything to you, but you can feel it from all his attentions and gaze towards you, only a fool who wouldn't realize it.

Sadly, you don't feel the same way.

He is your hyung.

He is older than you, but his face and his behavior is much younger than you. He is kind and has lots of patience, which made him a material for a lot of teasing.

He loves you, he loves his family in Super Junior which made all the mockery is outrageous, you know that it's all actually hurts his heart but he didn't care. He will smile playfully, considering his love towards you, towards his Super Junior family, especially after he lost the warmth and the laughter of his biological mom, dad, and brother.

Your hyung that believes in his dream, and try his best.


Today is no difference than the other days for you. The day that have a pile of schedules to do and only have some time to relax, and finally will go home long after the sunset and some hours before the sunrise.

But everything changed, when he, your hyung, asked you to go to the roof top and said, "I love you."

You froze.

You feel surprised because you thought he will never has any courage to tell his true feeling in front of you. You aren't ready for it, you didn't prepare anything for reply.

You keep your self in silence, wondering what you should tell him. The longer you stay silent, the more you can feel his insecurities, "But hyung..." finally you found your lost voice.

"I know!" he snapped, and you choose to shut your mouth waiting for his next sentence, "I know that you don't feel the same way for me. I know you love Sungmin and still love him although he has been with Ryeowook already..."

Stop. Again you surprise, surprise because you never know that he knows what you feel towards the other member of Super Junior. You surprise because he dare to express his feeling when he perfectly knows someone has taken your heart.

Play. Continue to where the sentence last ended, "...but can't you give me a chance? I will do everything, anything for you." he said with his head bowed down.

Your smirk start to take a part in your face, "Anything?" and he nods.

"So, make me happy."

You have forgot how to feel happy, you don't know anymore how to describe the word, you even erased it from your own dictionary. Especially if you rewind the cassette of your life until today.

You have to separate the things between work and your own private life. You have to lie, put your fake life in front millions of people. You have to struggled between life and death when that accident occured. You have to put your smile, when someone you love officially announced that he was together with your best friend.

He raised his head, doesn't believe what you just said. His eyes were shining with hope, "I promise, I will make you happy!" he said with his best smile and made his almond eyes sparkling with happiness.

"As you wish, hyung. As you wish." you smiled, "Thank you..." he replied cheerfully.

Time for you’re really painful game which can broke him anytime soon get started…

to be continued --------------------------------

starring: Sungmin - 성민, starring: Eunhyuk - 은헉, starring: Yesung - 예성, starring: Ryeowook - 려욱, starring: Donghae - 동해, starring: Heechul - 희출, starring: Kyuhyun - 규헌, starring: Leeteuk - 이특, starring: Siwon - 시원

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