Greetings true believers... assuming anyone still reads this, or even uses LiveJournal at all anymore. I have been most neglectful of my duties here. More on that later.
Lets get up to speed. As I mentioned sometime ago, I have a "slick" job which, believe me, seems way cooler than it actually is. Most of my first year was spent working lots of extra hours to help them out, but now I'm back to part time hours (at best) and eking out a meager existence. At least they didn't gripe about the temporary job I took consulting for the college last fall.
Things have been very status quo here for a long time since I got my new job. It's been very status quo actually for a long time, so there really hasn't been much to write about.
Things that have changed since school ended ; - I seem to find it very difficult to motivate myself to do anything that doesn't actually need doing - I can't seem to sit still at home very long - My circle of friends is shrinking as people move away or just move on with their lives - The jobs that were posted, motivating me to become a programmer, all vanished
Been hanging out with Chuck a lot more. That's been cool, especially since it means he hasn't moved yet. It is rather difficult to contact the man when that happens. There was talk of a few hiking trips, but they just haven't panned out. There was an impromptu visit to Borden for a BBQ type event. That was fun. I would have driven a bit, but I just don't know how to drive standard.
As I read some older posts and/or took trips down memory lane, I really don't see a lot in common with my 20 something year old self and my current self. I'm in my 30s and I'm nowhere near where I thought I'd be by now.
I don't go on any of my "adventures" anymore. Even some of the simple stuff just seems to get cancelled or "put off" for "just one more year." That is, until next time I put it off of cancel it again.
I haven't accomplished many of the things I thought I would have by now ; - I still don't own a house - I still don't own a car - I'm still surrounded by people who don't respect me - My list of things do to gets longer as things don't get done - My list of things do to gets shorter as I realise they won't get done - My job is far less than satisfying
I've really turned into that guy I thought (in my 20s) that I've never turn into. Stuck in another trap of a job, thousands of dollars in debt for no readily visible reason.
Life really hasn't turned out as I thought/hoped it would. It's taken a completely different trajectory in fact. I just don't feel like posting here as much as before, largely because it was a journal of my adventures and the exciting things in my life, which seem to be few these days.
It's not like I'm 50 though. Still, I'm far to young to be this jaded.
So, still no car, though Emily and I did have a "chauffeur" briefly. Emily's friend from Virginia came to visit for a couple of weeks. She was considering looking for work in Canada (I don't think I need to tell you how bad things are south of the border). As a sign of the changing times, most of them things I never though I would live to see, the border is tightening and Canada Customs gave her only two weeks to find a job. That's two weeks, starting the day before the permit was issued, and including three days of a long weekend. So setup to fail basically.
So after a short visit, she had to go home. We did get to do some cool stuff. Like go on the Maid of The Mist boat ride. Also see Giant Pandas at the Toronto Zoo. Here there be pandas.
Recently Trevor, Emily and I went on a ghost walk here in town. It was actually pretty good. Now, I don't believe in this stuff, but the people running it clearly do, which is a marked difference from other walks we've been on in which it is clearly just performance art.
Ever feel like the most mature person you know?
I caved sometime ago and gave into mob mentality. I got a Tumblr account.
Many other jejune things have happened before and since then as well.
Also there was a trip to Toronto or two for other stuff like ; - An additional zoo visit while visiting friends - Seeing "The symphony of The Goddess" performance - Shopping and visiting friends - To pass through en route to Barrie for more visits
Oh, I played "Wind Waker" originally for the Gamecube. It's on the list of my favourite games now.
So, that's really all I can think of to talk about for the last year or so. In keeping with the changes I want to make in my life, I'll try to make a habit of what ever inane things I get up to these days.
Til next time true believers.
Quote Of The Day - "100 per cent of us die, and the percentage cannot be increased." CS Lewis.
Interesting Link For The Day - The Flying Man. A short movie about a super powered vigilante. If you haven't seen this already, you should do so now.
Interesting Fact For The Day - The Y chromosome doesn't play well with others. It seems to resist translocation of DNA from the X chromosome onto itself.