War, good God y'all. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Feb 17, 2009 15:58

I just spent the last 1.5 hours talking to a pretty good friend of mine. He graduated at the semester and is now on his way to the local recruiting office to report for duty. He will spend the next 6 months in Missouri training to become a civil engineering specialist with the Army. He'll then move to Georgia for a 3 week training in paratrooping and then, it's off to wherever the Department of Defense tells him to go, be it Iraq, Afghanistan, wherever.

So other than the fact that a friend just left to go fight a war, I'm doing pretty well. Getting work done. Skipped tae kwon do today because I didn't really sleep last night. Have been feeling mildly nauseous today due to said lack. Meh. Got my act together in all my other classes, though. Score.

ETA: Sorry for the tres depressing entry.
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