Nov 21, 2002 16:06
hey... i completely forgot about this until today..i figured i'd update. I'm still with Obra. We've had alot of problems and i dumped him twice but we got back together. I just reached the point where i was tired of waiting at home for him to call me. I went 3 weeks without seeing him and 2 weeks without talking to him. His excuse was he was busy. He lost his job so in order to pay his bills he started shrimping. The only bad thing is the guy he was shrimping with liked to go for a few hours rest for about 3 hours then go back so Obra barely had time to do anything. BUT the thing is he always managed to find time to go watch wrestling with a friend. He could have taken a few minutes to call me but he didn't. oh well it's in the past. right now he's most likely mullet fishing. saturday he has to clean the fish and take the eggs out. that's what they make cavier out of (i can't spell...). He said he had 24 fish horns in his hands. and that was WITH WEARING GLOVES! i most likely won't see him until next week but that's ok. Tabitha (a friend who was born in sulphur but moved to houston) is coming over. She's lesbian so she's taking me to Crystals ( a gay club in Lake Charles) it's gonna be awsome. i've never been there but people say it's a good place to be b/c it has a friendly atmosphere. Elizabeth (my ex girlfriend) wanted to be the first one to take me but she's 7 months pregant so she can't go....
as far elizabeth she's having a little gurl. Her name will be Charity Hope Laughlin. i went to her shower a week ago. it was pretty fun. Her other exgurlfriend was there. I don't like her too much. She's only 16 and kinda snobby but she was ok at the shower and i realized why liz dated her...she is kinda cute. Me and Latrista won prizes for guessing how many squares of toliet paper it takes to go around liz's belly...(she guessed 12 and i guessed 14 but it was 13). Btw Latrista is my ex (david)'s
I've been talking alot of yahoo lately and i've met some really cool people like daniel. i met him in september. it's kinda weird b/c he's like a best friend, and a boyfriend even tho we're not dating. when me and obra broke up me and daniel would kiss and stuff like that. it was really fun and i have kinda strong feelings for him but he said when i get in my flirty mood i remind him of his ex which really sucks. We have so much fun around each other. at halloween we went to a haunted house even tho i didn't go in i had fun b/c i got to hear the people scream. the only reason i wouldn't go in is b/c it's an actual HAUNTED house! see daniel is in a ghost hunting society in lake charles and they were there the night before investigating the place. if you want to see their websites it has pics and videos of their adventures lol the site is it's a really cool site.
for some reason when i'm taken it's like everyone wants me lmao. Derrick, Williy, Micheal, Bill, Matthew, Vance, Jason, Ronnie and a few other guys want's weird b/c 3 live in sulphur, 3 live in lake charles ,1 lives in gillis and 1 lives in texas but he used to drive over here all the time so most of them are kinda close...I'm actually looking for a gurl tho..I've found a few in LA but they still live far away :( it's like all the bi girls are taken! :( there is one in lake charles but i barely talk to her ... oh well...
i think that's all i'm gonna say today...i'll update later...if yall wanna chat message me on yahoo - thecajunqueenbitch byes!