My own um thing

Dec 19, 2004 21:06

Name: Adam
Other name(s): Tom, Sam
Age: Dix-sept
Gender: male

do not put more than one answer for each fav. because i said so and you cant have 2 favourites

`Fav shit-

Colour: dark green [exact one? i dunno]
Dog: muts
Drink: water
Board Game: ERS
MMORPG: World of warcraft [currently]
1st Person Shooter: halo
Food: vietnamese
Fast Food Restuarant: chic-fil-a
Movie: braveheart
CD: [damnit too hard]
Playstation Game: final fantasy
Console: computer [it counts]
X-Box Game: halo
N64 Game: SSB
Name: [damnit way too many]
Gender: female
Season: winter
Country: europe
Band: Tool [all time fav]
Instrument: lute
Peice of Clothing:
Din-In Restuarant:
Language: german [cant speak it]
Subject: chemistry
TV Show: i hate tv, er i mean...fuck it i dont know

next....YOU EITHER LIKE OR DISLIKE dont choose i dont know or its ok or some shit like that ONLY like OR dislike [reasons can follow answers] (and your allow to use "meh" once, ONLY ONCE)


TV: DISLIKE [commericials and bullshit]
Radio: DISLIKE [commercials and talk]
Computers: LIKE
Games: LIKE
Driving: LIKE
Eating: dislike
Showering in the Morning: DISLIKE [gets old]
The United States [not America, its not correct to say that]: DISLIKE
Europe: like
Japan: like [better than US]
Homosexuals: Dislike [if i said like it would make me somewhat gay, but i dont have a problem with them]
Rednecks: dislike
Water: LIKE
Swimming: like
Music: LIKE
Sports: dislike
Adam Cung: dislike
Poetry: LIKE
Painting: Like [but i cant do it]
Books: Like [a few]
Drawing: Like [but i suck at it]
Anime: like
God: dislike [not real]
Religion: dislike [should go away]
Chemistry: like
Math: like
History: like [some, US is boring]
Being Depressed: like [cant help it]
blank spot
World of Warcraft: like
Hangovers: dislike
Cousins: DISLIKE
Sisters: DISLIKE
Dogs: LIKE
Wolves: LIKE
Fantasy: LOVE


`Are you-

Gay: no
Dead Inside: yes
tired: yes
bored: yes
American [as in white and born in the US]: yes
Asian, if so what type: yes, vietnamese
European: no
Smelly: no
Drunk: no
High: no
Wishing you were dead: no
thinking about murder: no
masturbating: no [or am i]
getting bored by this survey thing: yes
because i am: yes
and i am slowly thinking of more things to put: yes

`What type(s)/Likes-

Dog: corgies, black labs, and the like
Cat: NO
Car: fury iii
Food: vietnamese, mexican, thai, and the like
Movie: fantasy, comedy, action shit [in that order]
Music: stuff
People: no
Names: Desol, Resol, Freyalise, Faye, Juno, too many... Liin Sivi, etc etc etc etc

Ok i am done for now
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