Somewhere beneath Fandom, Saturday Morning

Sep 10, 2011 15:52

One of the problems with clones was that it only took one bad one to ruin the entire batch. Evil Hank cackled madly and hit the big glowing red button on the control panel. Sirens wailed, lights flashed, and tanks full of glowing green fluid burst open, spilling clone after clone onto the harsh metal floor.

Unbaked Hank was the first to come to his senses. "Milk... shake?" he asked worriedly.
Janitor Hank sighed at the mess and looked for a bucket.
Engineer Hank leapt into action. "Ach, NO! What ha' ye doone?!?!" He pushed Evil Hank aside and poked at the control panel. "She cannae take much more o' this, Pop! I need more power!"
Handy Hank stood around uselessly, holding a hammer and nails.
Tailor Hank stood around uselessly, holding a measuring tape and shears.
Vanity Hank stood around uselessly, holding a mirror and admiring his reflection.
Brainy Hank started a long-winded speech about what he would have done, which nohank listened to.
Sleepy Hank slept.
Sneezy Hank sneezed.
Dopey Hank looked even dumber than the rest of them.
Bad European Stereotype Hank tsk-tsked and sighed. "Zis is... how you say?... no good."
Crazy Homeless Guy Hank twitched and muttered to himself.
LOLrus Hank got into a fight with Janitor Hank, who had stolen his bucket.
Clown Hank honked a horn, squirted water from the flower in his buttonhole, and then ran around in a circle and fell down.
And more Hanks kept coming.

Through it all, Evil Hank cackled. Eventually, he gathered together several of the Generic Nondescript Hanks for a musical number.
Start spreadin' the news
I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it
New York, New York....



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