
Jan 14, 2009 17:23

I was cycling home from work today and it was a bit cold so i stopped to put my gloves on and just as i was about to set off again, I lost my balance, my foot caught on the pedal and i fell over sideways down a muddy bank. It was the most retarded thing i've done in months. I was so proud. Luckily I was in the middle of a wood so i don't think anyone saw

In equally exciting news I have sexy new glasses. I'm only every so slightly long-sighted so I don't really need them that much in theory (unless I'm on the computer a lot. Which i am), but they're soo pretty. So i'm happy.

Also i can't remember if i've said or not but I PASSES MY DRIVING TEST ON NEW YEAR'S EVE! I'm so happy. I really thought i'd failed becuase i messed up pretty much everything. But i must have charmed the driver with my feminine wiles. Or something... But the point is i don't have to take any horrible driving lessons again and it's one thing the parentals don't have to nag me about anymore! On Monday i borrowed dad's car because I had work then archaeology then training session so had too much junk with me to really cycle. and I'm lazy. So i had my first full day with the car and it was suprisingly stressful. Mainly driving stressful like stopping at sliproads onto duel carrageways and over taking lorries when its raining so hard you can't actually see and not driving into ditches out near Whittlesey. But also things like not losing the keys and paying for car parks. But by the time i was on my way home after the gym i was starting to chill out enough to be able to sing along to my cd a bit. Hurrah. I've been cycling everywhere since monday though and it's so much less stressful but also so much more cold!

Also i'm quite excited becuase i've just had a phone call from my Weight Watchers meeting asking if i want to assist at meetings and things. They're normally really picky about who they have as helpers so either Bev is getting sloppy or they actually want *me* to help. Lovely. Also the manager at FF is leaving in a couple of weeks so i have to co-ordinate the volunteers into a goodbye collection and helping arrange the party which is suprisingly difficult. But at least it's something fun to do. Oooh. and i'm being taken on at work as a Travelex temp (as opposed to currently being an agency temp) there's not really much difference excpet I'm entitled to a yearly bonus and i don't have to do a performance review for 2008 becuase they're only just taking me. Win!

weight watchers, bike, glases, flag fen

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