Mar 04, 2008 15:52
We have an alarm system in the flat which has never worked. they told us when we move din that it doesn't work. which has been fine. however today i accidently elbowed the little fuse box below it and lo and behold...the alarm DOES work (in a very annoying way).
So i rang the letting agents and they said they'd get it sorted. I went into town to get me a job.I came back the the alarm was no longer going off (yaaaaay) so i went back into the flat only to realise a few seconds later that the alarm had only stopped because it had reset itself and thus the sensors in the flat would be working. so i rang the letting agents again ad apparently the engineer is meant to be coming round sometime today, So i went to make myself alovely cup of tea which i felt i severly deserved only for the FUCKING KETTLE TO DIE ON ME.
The alarm's just stopped again (probably because i haven't moved for about 15 minutes. i need the loo but i don't want to move lest i set it off again,
i want to cry (in an ever-so-slightly-amused yet also very pissed off way)