This is the type of thing my brother-in-law sends me on my phone at 12:40 am on a Saturday night. He sure is having a good time. Just as long as he doesn't drive. What a guy.
In other news, the Opening of the Blanton was nothing short of Grand. There was much art of all sorts. A room full of pennies. Trail mix EVERYWHERE, and Voxtrot played. I saw the lead guy in line for a drink and talked to him, eventually asking for an autograph. He was flattered, surprised. He has cute teeth. After the show I got the whole band to sign my Blanton shirt. I consider that part of the night a success. Hurrah!
I have to go to church in 30. I'm pulling away a little more every time I go to church now. The good friday service sis a good job of making me hate the church. But I suppose it's a phase. I really only ever go for the community, anyway. The stories, I don't get much out of.
Does anyone know what the next book for Graphic Novel is, and do we need to read any of it by Monday. ['no' would be a good answer to the second part of the question, by the way]
My keyboard makes it difficult not to make typos - I'm still adjusting to a laptop keyboard. Double letters are difficult. And anything I'm used to typing fast. I'm a compulsive spell-check user now. Le sigh.