Dec 19, 2005 15:04
Here is what went down at the game for me. Since I do not want to retype everything that just said to my friend Ananth I am just going to copy and paste our AIM conversation.
Ananth4: wow, you went to the game?
Auto response from StrghtEdge3: Look for me on ESPN tonight I'll be the block of ice in the north endzone.
Ananth4: that was an awesome game
Ananth4: even though vick is my boy
Ananth4 is idle at 2:25:35 AM.
Ananth4 is no longer idle at 2:45:45 AM.
StrghtEdge3: dude i didnt get to watch any of it live
Ananth4: why?
StrghtEdge3: ok let me tell you what happened
StrghtEdge3: i was going to the game with my friend marvin and my two cousins shawn and greg we met up at my cousin shawns apartment and took the train downtown where we met up with my cousin matt who was tailgating....
Ananth4: ok
StrghtEdge3: we get there and i start to get a headache and i get some food in me but there is portable fireplace smoke going in my eyes and shit isnt well ventilated so my headache gets worse and now it is time to go in and my head is throbbing and my stomach is feeling bad.....
Ananth4: oh
StrghtEdge3: so marvin and i get to our seats and i tell him that im going to go find the first aid place because i am not feeling well and this happened when the bears were doing their warmups on the field....
Ananth4: ok
StrghtEdge3: so i go to the first aid room and im laying down on a bed and just resting and sipping some water but my headache isnt going away then eventually i alert the medical staff i am going to throw up and i did a few minutes later they take me to a near by hospital where i road shotgun in an ambulance and threw up out the window of the ambulance and got vomit on the side of it....
Ananth4: haha, shit man
Ananth4: are you alright?
StrghtEdge3: my mom shows up and i am waiting around for a doctor to see me they say i needed a CT scan and draw some blood for tests i got there at about 3 minutes before half time and didnt leave until 2am
StrghtEdge3: yeah im fine now
StrghtEdge3: but that was my story on what happened to me tonight
Ananth4: man
Ananth4: what was wrong with you/
Ananth4: ?
StrghtEdge3: migraine
Ananth4: OH
Ananth4: those suck
StrghtEdge3: i know
Ananth4: i didnt knwo you got those
Ananth4: doesnt your get em too>
StrghtEdge3: my dad suffers from them
Ananth4: yeha
Ananth4: i thought so
StrghtEdge3: one crazy fucking night
Ananth4: alright man, im gonna go watch some anime before i go to bed
StrghtEdge3: i'll be good for tuesday though
Ananth4: hope you feel beter
Ananth4: gnight man
StrghtEdge3: good night dude
Ananth4 signed off at 3:08:56 AM.
So that was my night.