Mar 08, 2009 20:12
KRAMER: Look how dark it's gettin' already.
JERRY: Well, it's not Daylight Savings Time yet.
KRAMER: When does it start?
JERRY: I don't know, they just tell you the night before.
KRAMER: Uh. Well, I'm sick o' waiting. [pulls out his pocket-watch (it has a chain, too)]
I am springin' ahead riiight now.
JERRY: Oh, I'm sure that won't cause any problems..
Arnie: Arnie Pie in the sky with the morning commute. Traffic this morning is as bad as it gets. Due to a fire at the Army testing lab, a bunch of escaped infected monkeys are roaming the expressway. Despite the sweltering heat, don't unroll your windows, 'cause those monkeys seem confused and irritable.
Homer: Hee hee hee. I pity those poor suckers on the freeway. Gas break honk. Gas break honk. Honk honk punch. Gas gas gas....8:58, first time I've ever been early for work. Except for all those daylight savings days. Lousy farmers.