Jan 23, 2005 12:38
So last night we had, or I guess technically we are still having, a blizzard. Lots of fun. And, considering we had no food due to the refrigerator dying (see previous post) we had to go grocery shopping. so i came home from work at about 3 and we went to shaws. and it was fuckin packed. i have never seen so many people in there at one time. it was insane. every register was open, and still the lines were spilling out into the aisles. the line for the first register extended all the way out to the produce section. craziness. so about an hour and a half later we left shaws with our nonperishable goods (since we can't exactly refrigerate anything). Let me tell you it is not easy to get nutrition from nonperishable goods. how much soup, chef boyardee, and easy cheese can a person eat? not much i tell you. if i thought it were open, i would definitely brave the storm and go to burger king. i also brought home 4 bottles of wine from work that were opened but not used for a party we had yesterday. doug and i proceeded to drink 3 of those bottles last night. and then i got drunk and sick and passed out. and that's that.