yay for 90's music survey!

May 27, 2004 16:40

First ImpressionsSeattle:rain Mother Love Bone:sad Alice in Chains:even sadder Nirvana:overrated Pearl Jam:there are no words... Soundgarden:mmm chris cornell Tad:blah Green River:old school pearl jam Mudhoney:unimpressed with their live show Mad Season:mike mccready and layne staley...hell yeah! Screaming Trees:whatever Melvins:sweet Sub Pop:nirvana's bleach No Alternative:not bad, not great either Which one?Pearl Jam or Nirvana?:hmm, i wonder which one i'll pick... Alice in Chains or Soundgarden?:both! Screaming Trees or Mudhoney?:neither! Singles or Reality Bites?:2 of my faves, cant pick one Woodstock or Lollapalooza?:lolla Favorite Song by:Nirvana:Dive Alice in Chains:Don't Follow Soundgarden:Pretty Noose Pearl Jam:thats like picking children, but i'll say Black Do you consider these "grunge"? Yea or nay?Seven Mary Three:no Three Doors Down:no Smile Empty Soul:who? Seether:no Staind:hell f*ckin' no! Stone Temple Pilots:eh Drowning Pool:nah Smashing Pumpkins:not really Name 5 bands that would have made it during the initial "grunge era"#1:this is stupid #2:so i'm not doing it #3:i hate the label "grunge" #4:and i hate the "grunge wannabes" #5:of today even more Where were you when:You found out about Kurt Cobain's death?:at home in pelham You Found out about Layne Staley's death?:at home in boston
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