1. What was the last thing you made?
A test.
2. What do you think of it?
It will be challenging.
3. What's the weather like?
4. How about inside?
5. What have you eaten today?
*...* Let's just say I'm on a strict liquid diet.
6. Do you know all the words to the last song you were listening to?
'American Pie' by Don McLean. I love it.
7. Do you play any instruments?
Guitar, saxaphone, lyre, piano, harp, accordian, violin, cello, trumpet.
8. Been overseas?
Many times.
9. What's the worst part about the beach?
The sunlight.
10. What's the next thing you are going to buy?
New boots.
11. What is the best age to die?
12. What is an acceptable age to lose your virginity?
Old enough to know the importance of sex.
13. How old were you?
Old enough to know the importance of sex.
14. What's your favourite book and why?
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
15. Can you remember a quote from it?
'All happy families are alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.'
16. Are you multilingual?
17. What's your favourite meal to cook?
Liquid diet.
18. What's the most romantic thing ever?
A well placed kiss.
19. What's the most tragic thing ever?
A life unlived.
20. What's the most eye opening movie you've ever seen? How come?
Animal House. John Belushi was genius.
21. How many times have you been in love?
22. What's your blood heritage?
Pureblood. In more ways than one.
23. And what's been left physically for you to inherit?
24. What was your mothers maiden name?
25. What's your favourite clothing item?
A blue sweater.
26. What would you do if your lover was in a horrible accident and had only an hour to live?
Be at their side...and offer them the choice not to die.
27. How do you want to die?
NOT in the woods in Bulgaria.
28. Do you think you'll be a parent one day?
No. I do not.
29. What would make you sublimely happy right now?
Cherry jellybeans.
30. Which direction does your bed face?
The windows.
31. What sayings and myths have you concluded must be true?
You only live once...of course if that life is a couple of hundred years long...