Walking Back.

Mar 08, 2006 15:57

The road that winds through high school and the years in which it resides is one of many changes. Looking back on some of the things through which I have gone and some of the friends I have made and some of the friends I have lost, I am overcome with emotion, and I feel my stomach drop as I realize that these days will end soon. It hit me today. High School ends so soon. Less than nine weeks left. I cannot believe it.

I started my journey as an immature kid who had no clue how to talk to a girl. Though I have matured through the years, I still become extremely nervous when I talk to certain people. It's an uncomfortable feeling, but I recognize how beautiful it is at the same time. I have met many people at many different check-points, and I am so very thankful for their friendships and everything which they offered to me. I am happy because everything through which I have gone has made me the person I am today. And I felt proud walking in the parking lot of Creekland Middle School today. I walked with confidence and kept my head up. The truth is, I am turning pages in this big book. Not only am I turning pages, I've started a whole new book. I have found a completely new author. This is drastic, and it is beautiful. I love the way I feel and have felt and will continue to feel. I love the ups of this, I hate the downs, but I will one day love the fact that I went through the downs. I feel like I am the happy kid I once was, perhaps this time he is just a little more aware of his surroundings and his true callings.

During these years, I have been blessed by a few close friends. Brothers, really.

Early on, I met my friend, Brian West. There are too many memories to even know where to start regarding that boy. I can remember one night we were driving home from Athens singing our hearts out to the song, It's for the Best by Straylight Run. Memories like this, they were once events, and now they are burned into the back of my head forever. I'll never forget waking up in his bed in the mornings, knowing I'd sit by myself for four hours before he got up. Sometimes, I'd just leave. Before I could drive, this quickly became my early Saturday morning walks home through the neighborhood. I can think of no better way to soak up my surroundings. Brian has my heart and always will. He is someone that I've always called my brother and always will. I am so thankful for him and everything he has given me. Without him, I would be nothing.

I've pushed along in directions unfamiliar. I've done things with newer friends that will always remain with me. This past summer, I went to Colorado with three of the best friends I'll ever have. Paul Haskell, Shawn Regan, and David Guy. We met at Camp Rainey Mountain, our common bond. We have lived together for many summers. With the green beginning to emerge outside, their hearts are in my mind. Nothing will ever take away the bond which we shared in those ten days over the summer. I thank them with much heart.

More recently, I have related to a close friend. He is called Daryll. Our seldom coffee runs have turned into weekly get-togethers and routine phone calls. I cannot think of anyone who has helped me through this past year of my life more than he has. I try to be as good of a friend to him as he is to me, but I feel as if I always come up short. I look up to him very much, and I know he knows that.

Running through meadows, getting lost in the mountains of North Georgia, sleeping on top of a fire tower, and weekly tennis matches. These things are my happiness, and these things are my best friend. Shawn Regan is me. I am Shawn Regan. Our lives are parallel, and it creeps me out sometimes. I could never ask for a better friend with which to do the spontaneous things we always end up doing. How proud I am to call him my friend.

I have entered something new, and I feel it. I am feeling things which have gone unfelt for years. I could feel like the years have been wasted, but they haven't. I've learned many things from the past three years of my life and the person with whom I spent them. I am thankful for all of it, but I am ready to move on.

So, everyone, this is me not knowing where to go or what to do. And this is me being so thankful. Please look at me, and realize that I am on the top of the world right now. My friends are my friends. I love them so much. I am experiencing new things, and I am happy. I am joyful. I am happy to wake up these days. The sky was on fire this morning, and I know that, one day, I will see the sun rise and realize why all of this is the way it is.

Thank you, everyone. I am happy to know you and am thankful for you.

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