I believe there is a new student around that has been looking for me.
A Miss Renge Hoshakuji, if I'm not mistaken.
Miss Hoshakuji, if we do not get a chance to meet before then, allow me to cordially invite you to the first meeting of the Host Club next Friday at 5:00pm in the music room.
Filtered to Members and Associates of the Princess and Host Clubs )
Regarding Miss Renge, I'd like to observe what means she uses to gain information, other than the obvious truths and damages spread open to public viewing like a once troubling chess match. Shihoudani has a quick temper and I've noticed that Konou is picking up a quick reaction time to insults.
Once upon a time, they both shined under the same spotlight, hand in hand in happiness. I wonder if Miss Fujisoka and Mr. Hiitachin hadn't become the two deciding pawns, if the game would have ended on better terms? It's too late to dwell on the past, seeing as how the future is around the corner.
First line of action is to get the two star Princesses reunited, sort out their differences and propel this club into the public's praise. Second line of action is to find out what Konou is lacking in comparison to Hiitachin.
Then depending on the success of Miss Renge's doujinshi, perhaps we can establish some line of friendly business with her. She might be just the advertising campaign for the Princess Club we need. Women love effeminate boys, especially ones cross-dressing and in love with each other.
The fact of the matter is she must either come to the truth on her own, or find something else to obsess over before I can let her down without sending her home in tears (and potentially loosing my family a very important business partner.)
It would be good to get her acquainted with the bishonen clubs of our school. I'm starting her out with the host club since they will excite her less. After that the Princess Club may be enough for her to let go of the fantasy.
As an artist she would be a great advertiser, but more importantly, as a strong willed and outspoken fan, she can provide the Princess club's fans with a piller to rally around (and hopefully keep them under some control). I suggest if you intend to recruit her, you take advantage of both these points.
I believe this infatuation Hiitachin has with our Yujiro ha something to do with a bit of magic, especially given it's suddenness. The first step would be figuring out how to remove whatever spell has been cast, so our princess can deal with the real feeling between them.
As for Ms Fujioka, she has proved to be oblivious to romantic attentions many times over in the past. This is likely the case again here, it's simply a matter of forcing Toru to face that fact.
Once the reality of each princess's situation is brought to the surface, they will still not likely be on the best of terms. Though having someone (not linkable to the club of course, as it will simply make US the enemies) lock them in a room until they resolve a few of their differences may speed things along. There may be some herbs that can be burned to help them remember the past while they're in there... but it will require research.
There is no guarantee that they will become a loving couple once again. But they should at least treat each other a little better after being forced to speak with each other and remember.
[[Tell me now if I've got anything wrong in the Haruhi/Tori/Yujiro/Hikaru situation, I've just been trying to catch up on it a bit. Kyouya likely knows more than he should about it, but he's very good at getting details about people he shouldn't be able to get :D Especially when knowing or not knowing effects his business, which this SO qualifies as.]]
So allowing her to flaunt hand-made merchandise to stimulate the growing fans populace would be one such reward to the Student Council, but also encouraging her enthusiastic behavior to gain a notable audience might save us promoting time? Intriguing.
Sengoku should make friends with her, being the friendly soul he is. If he fed her enough information about Yuujiro, being closer to him than any other Princess member, she might spur interest to befriend him and work her way inside out. This could also pose a possible danger if her advances are rejected. I suggest you keep an eye on her. I have the feeling something dreadful is headed our way. Call it an.. intuitive feeling.
I remember when our young pawn was romancing the stone, it took quite a lot of advise and time on Shihoudani's part to finally break off the infatuation and move on ever so slowly. I know Miss Rinali was once such prospective, to which he denied publically at the Valentine's Ball and even witnessed him and our Princess do a royal waltz together infront of the school. Such a daring feat on Hiitachin's part, considering his closeness with Shihoudani might have spurred rumors.
I would have to admit I haven't seen such bliss cross Shihoudani's features in some troubling months since his falling out with Konou. That is precisely why Konou is in return flaunting his past feelings for Miss Fujisoka and trying to make the Western Princess suffer for his mistakes. Such petty games are going to cost us quite an investment.
If old flames can't be ignited, at least more than a false friendliness is the ultimate goal we should seek. Do you know anyone that specializes in herbs? Research after classes sounds promising. Perhaps we should meet up twice a week to figure things out quickly.
Also feeding her the odd bits of "inside information" would place her in a position of leader amongst our fans. In return for this inside information (and the prestige that comes with it) we could ask her to find (unofficially) out what it is our fans want to see more of, and less of. Allowing us to improve the club and it's image as a whole.
For now we must convince them that simply ignoring the matter is not going to make it better. And that they must make it better.
Mr Shihoudani at least seems willing to act for the benefit of their mutual friends, at least to shield them, though if he would go so far as to attempt at least a partial reconciliation is yet to be seen.
As for Mr Kouno, I'll have to speak with him (delicately) on the matter.
I doubt we'll find someone with the precise knowledge herb we need among the students. And few, if any, of the staff would help us knowing what our true intentions for the herbs are...
*thinks for a few moments* Such herbs might be used for meditations, or resolving past issues... particularly suppressed memories.
Perhaps some "independent research" into the medicinal benefits of certain herbs for psychological treatments is called for. It would be a believable topic for me to research given my family's specialty in medical sectors.
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