i think i might cry.

Apr 09, 2007 20:29

I was walking home from work (only one block) talking on the phone to Amy when a man walking towards me stopped.  He looked like he was about to ask for directions or something, and mouthed something, but I couldn't hear.  I asked him to repeat it a couple of times before I heard him say, "Can I have sex?"

I was shocked.  I think my face went to that disgusted-you-must-be-the-worst-person-on-the-planet look and I just walked away.  Later I regretted not screaming sexual harassment or something of the kind really loud (there are always cops at that corner), or at least telling him off.  Ugh, I'm always so passive in those situations.

And the worst part is, it made ME feel dirty!!!  How is that?  Why should I blame myself?  Cuz I'm a woman and the media often tells us it's our fault?  Or do I just have a severe guilt complex?  I mean, I was wearing loose black pants, sneakers, a hoodie and a fleece with hair pulled into a dumb pony-tail (I mean, I work with kids for crying out loud), so it's not like I was seducing anyone with my presence (which by the way, I object to that notion too, but that's for another time).

Ugh ugh ugh.  I don't understand how people like this can just go around introducing their disgusting habits to others.  Did I LOOK like a prostitute walking the streets of d.t.E?  I don't think so.  And if I did, (which I never do, thank goodness), you would still have no right to ask a woman like that.

PEOPLE!  I feel gross and upset and very very angry right now.

I know I should just love and pray for them, but right now I'm hurt and that might take a little while.

gross people

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