Jan 16, 2007 11:00
Snoop Dogg and I were standing in front of the mirror in the men's bathroom. We looked at me and asked, "What do you think about me cutting my hair?" I was mildly shocked that Snoop Dogg would want my opinion on this, but to tell the truth, I have always wanted him to cut it, so I told him it would look good. He then went on a short speech about how he misses putting it in two small braids or in the two little puffs on either side of his head, and that right now it was a bit too long to do so. I was a bit upset that his idea of cutting was really more of a trim than anything, because I really want to see what he would look like with normal hair! Oh well. In the same dream someone bought me a small bouquet of wild flowers for 11 cents a stem from a Quichua woman (from Otavalo, Ecuador) and the entire conversation was in Spanish. And Sarah S. gave me some books.
And the night before last I dreamt of a small brown jade piece that I can't get out of my mind.
The dream from a few nights ago about the person and my family.... I figured it out. He was saving me from my family because he was doing the opposite of real life. That dream was showing me that it could never happen. It was proof by contradiction.