so. by the time the night was over,

Sep 07, 2008 05:56

i discovered I hate my job, my job hates me.
I end up alone at my apartment (for the most part) because my roommates are out of town.

I spark up an accidental arguement between my boyfriend and i, and i told him he irritates me and i hate him touching me. and also that i kind of think of us now as just friends.

no car, almost no job and almost no boyfriend, things are changing.

I'm starting to realize how much more shitty my life is than i realized before.   I knew it was bad, but i didn't know how bad.

I mean, my own mom wont come over to see me.

Thank god i have the next 3 days off.

And secretly, I wish Sam and Karla were here.  Because somehow i think that they'd make me feel better.

but maybe this is just drunk lonliness talking.  who knows.

I'm not even too sure of myself anymore.  seems like alcohol has taken over my life, and nobody cares enough to tell me.

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