Jan 04, 2004 01:48
Hey all. The Christmas break went by faster than I thought it would... And tomorrow school starts up again...ughh.. also my trombone audition is right after school...what a way to start of the new year. Well Inti is leaving either tonight or early the next morning, which sucks, we wont have a wannabe gay guy around the house anymore...lol. I rented this new game i guess for PS2, called Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly. Whoa, its HELLA scary. You have to go around and take pictures of ghosts and like get out of a village. It's one of those games you CAN'T play alone... Anyway, im over it, instead of this party my stepdad usually has every year, we went to my aunt conchas house and partied with all my stoner aunts and uncles. Afterwards we all went to Keylas house and visited. Afterwards Keyla and Vanessa both came over and spent the night. It was fun, vanessa spent the night for 2 nights cuz she couldnt get a ride home and keyla spent 3 nights. The first night which was new years day, i think we all just chilled and slept. I forgot, but then the second night we saw home videos that keyla had. lol they were hilarious. One about this gay show that keyla and laura put on called sandy and mandy that talked about how popular the skater boys were, and i saw one of a talent show, one of the graduation from middle school and one of like freshman year, keyla, van, lauryn, jess and summer ALL looked like they were 5 years old. lol. But yeah im done... i have to practice my trombone for like another 5 hours so i can actually be good and as for the baton, ill just do it whenever i have free time, theres still 3 weeks till next semester. Well im off... my brother has another damn week off of school..lucky ass.. ill catch y'all monday.
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