Oct 03, 2007 15:38
It's 3:30, and as we all know that means it's time for my Wednesday chemistry entry.
Bored bored bored.
My dorm room lock SUCKS. My key is constantly getting stuck, and it's trouble if I'm on my way to a class (fortunately that hasn't happened yet, but it will). It's not a good feeling when one gets back to one's room at 7:30 in the morning, and has to spend ten minutes of ones valuable time kicking, wrestling and cussing under ones breath (because one's roommate is sleeping... which brings me to my next point) before it pulls out. The seemingly random amount of time one spends in this endeavor is aggravating as well, one can't tell if the key will remove itself on the first try, or half an hour later. And speaking of random lengths of time which could plausibly wake somebody up, I seem to recall a children's board game called "Don't Wake Daddy" that I used to own...
Now that I look back on it, that game was teaching a startling lesson. [for those of you who don't know, the game consists of rolling a die to move your player across the board. On each square is a number, and when you land on a square you have to press 'daddy's' alarm clock as many times as the number on the square says. Occasionally, a press on the alarm clock will set off a trigger that causes 'daddy' to awake in a drunken rage so he can beat you before you are able to sneak across his room.] Anyway, looking back, I realize that the message of the game is "as long as you turn off your abusive father's alarm clock quietly enough while he's sleeping, he'll never wake up to bust you for breaking curfew", which is just a step away from the inevitable "If you sneak up on your father in his sleep, there's nothing you can't do... k.i..l...l....h.i..m..."
Also, I've made two major collegiate discoveries.
1)The ultimate focus of my collegiate growth seems to be the total deterioration of my frontal lobe functioning. As I go on through the weeks, vices seem to be trying to push their way into my life (I'm pushing back, so it's not that big a deal), and I'm becoming progressively less caring about my future. All the higher functioning associated with planning of one's welfare is going, and fast.
2) The only reason I'd gain the freshman 15 isn't the lack of physical activity, nor the deliciousness of the food, nor the junky-ness, nor even the ease of access. For me, it's the novelty. For some reason I can't stop getting immense satisfaction that I can eat as much as I want and it's already payed for... It's a buffet. and I can go, anytime from 5:30 to midnight. They have good food and all, but it's free, and there's a variety. WHAT? It just doesn't seem to get old (though I hope it does soon, because if it doesn't, then I actually will start to gain weight.
So that is my minutely interesting mind during Chem today, I hope you enjoyed it more than I am enjoying this lecture... because frankly, I'm ready to just never go to this class. Ever again. I mean, seriously, we spent the last fifteen minutes adding "-ic acid" to the end of words, as if we couldn't notice the pattern.