annoyed for all the wrong reasons

Apr 06, 2007 18:31

So I'm mad at the db coaches. Why? Because they don't yell at me. Sounds dumb, I know.

But I've missed a bunch of land practices (Why? Random school crap. That's why.), and instead of the coaches reaming me out, one of them sends me this btw please start showing at land practice when you can

They should be screaming at me til they're blue in the face. I'm a senior student; despite only being the manager last year, I still have more experience (although not with paddling, more with just team stuff) than the noobs do. I should be setting an example. I should not be getting this special treatment. I don't want this special treatment. I want to have my ears blown off. I might actually start showing up more. (=P)

Not, of course, that I'll tell them this. But maybe if Sandra randomly happens to be reading this (it does occasionally happen!), she could possibly remind the coaches that they need to be YELLING THE CRAP OUT OF ME WHEN I DON'T SHOW UP. Only not next week, I'm going to a steering clinic they put me in. So they can't really blame me. BUT OTHER TIMES.

rl: db

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