Sooo ... yeah.
Ho-hum. Life is just so exciting.
Today, I-chan made me a little cardboard house with the Uchiha fan on it ... we have dubbed it, "The Love Shack, Baby".
Sadly, no one gets it.
As slightly more exciting (but just slightly more unpleasant) news, I had to miss the first Ultimate game of the season because of stupid Mandarin day. [Our school has "Language Awareness Week", which is total BS, in my opinion--no half-hour in the caf is going to make someone take a language--plus, we have SO MUCH TO DO!!! It's annoying the heck out of me.] Somehow, Tan-sensei (or should I say 'laoshi'?) roped me into playing cello with a bunch of others for the whole freakin' day next wednesday. We're being conducted by this ... kid ... I dunno how to describe him. Energetic? Well, he is energetic, that's just not all he is. Anyways, the pieces he wrote for us SUCK MAJOR ASS. They are so frikkin' hard. OH MY GOD. I know I think everything's hard, but this -- don't take my word for it, ask
darkfox200. She plays violin, and that's even HARDER. Even the strings teacher thought it was too hard for us.
Argh, man. It's annoying.
And there's still two more school practices before I can get my cello teacher to help me!! *cries*
By the way, my icon pwns yours.