Jan 06, 2009 23:54
understand, if you are a fence walker, no matter if your a skin or a punk or a bull shit dumb ass, understand you will get your teeth kicked in and your skull cracked open. fence walkers in my and most everyone else in this cities book are as bad as boneheads them selves
skinheads hate nazi's
punks hate nazis
I hate nazi's
if you are found to be friends with boneheads/nazi's you will get beat down NO EXCUSES
how to know your a fence walker:
your friends list their favorite bands as wp (white power) or rac (rock against communism)
bands that are nazi's include the angry aryans,skrewdriver and so forth. and on the rac note, as i kicked the crap out of a kid once for being wp, he was all "its a rac band" fuck that skrewdriver started rac to counteract rock against racism. again if you are a nazi, or a fence walker and around me you will be beat severely.
i support antifa in the vain of iron front. no exuses destroy fascism!!!!!