Hello all, and Welcome!
Please don't be offended if I don't friend you to my journal, as this is a journal I use for both my customers and for those who'd like to read up on the amusing things that happen while dancing in a topless bar. Those friends that I do have added are special customers who I have gotten to know and would like to share my schedule with, and certain journals such as
boobiebar that I enjoy reading in its relivance to my own journal.
To start off, I love my job, but sometimes I want to punch some of the customers. This is, of course, understandable since this happens in pretty much every place of employment.
I'm a theatre student so I dance more for the thrill of being onstage than I do for the money, in fact I'm probably one of the worst hustlers in my bar. I'd rather sit and talk to my customers than I would take a few bucks from them and then move on as if they were worthless to me. I very much appreciate most of my customers, so do not assume that my attitude towards the jerks is default for me - it very much is not.
If you feel the need to be rude, get over it - I won't give you fuel for your fire. Past that, enjoy reading, and tip well!