
Mar 02, 2009 16:22

Alright, I haven't much to say about it, except go see it.

I command you.

Title: A Witch from Boston
Chapter 1 - What's her deal?
Paring: Will/OC (plz give it a chance)
Raiting: PG
Summary: William Mosely and Skandar Keynes are directing a small production at an even smaller playhouse in New Zealand. The cast is interesting enough, but William takes a particular interest in one of the cast.
Warnings: None for this chapter, really. Someone takes a nasty fall, but that's about it.

Okay, here we go!

“What’s up with her?”

William Moseley and Skandar Keynes were at a playhouse in New Zealand. They had offered to help direct and give acting tips to the cast and crew. It wasn’t a good job, and there wasn’t any pay, but they enjoyed it. The hype from Prince Caspian had just died down and the buzz was starting to wear. Voyage of the Dawn Treader would be next.

Skandar looked at the girl that Will was pointing at. It was Skye Martlon.

“Dunno, but her name’s Skye. She’s part of the cast; she’s always on that damn laptop of hers.” Will seemed to accept this answer as he absent-mindedly stared at her.

Her small frame was sitting in a director’s chair, cross-legged. Her blue DC sneakers covered her feet while long, baggy, torn jeans clad her skinny legs. She wore a white shirt, as was required for the entire cast, and her strawberry blonde, messy hair fell over her face. She was typing on her computer which sat neatly in her lap. A mouse was rested on the chair’s arm and was clicked every now and then.

After William had been staring at her for about 10 minutes, she had finally realized that he was indeed staring at her. Nobody really liked to stare at Skye…probably because she really wasn’t anything special to look at. Her dull green eyes and freckles just made her look plain compared to half the girls that walked the streets of New Zealand.

She didn’t look at William, but kept on typing for ages and ages, wondering when he was going stop staring at her as a blush settled on her cheeks. William smiled, he thought it was cute. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw this and became too flustered to deal with him, so closed her computer and walked away gracefully…

Or at least she tried to.

Her legs got tangled in with the power cords and the mouse’s wire and set themselves secure around her legs as she fell to the ground with a loud thud, her computer on her chest. She looked up at the ceiling, redder than she was before and listened as everyone laughed. She got up and tucked some hair behind her ear, shoving the power cords into her messenger bag beside the chair, she threw it over her shoulder and carried her computer close to her chest, looking down at the floor like a scared little school girl.

Nobody stopped laughing until she was at the back of the room.

The only two people who weren’t laughing were William and Skandar.

Skandar shook his head and sighed. “She’s gorgeous, but she’s got absolutely no brains, at all. Either that or she’s clumsier than that teacher’s aid from Caspian…” William frowned. He didn’t know exactly what to think about her. He watched her leave and pondered whether or not it would be a good idea to talk to her or --

“WILL!” Skandar said loudly.

“Huh? What?” William asked. Skandar scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Don’t even try charm with that girl, Will. She’s one of those… ‘I-don’t-go-out-aside-from-work-so-I-won’t-die-and-that’s-the-only-reason-I-go-and-I’d-never-get-asked-out-if-my-life-depended-on-it-because-I-think-I’m-so-horrible’ kinda girls.” William chuckled at Skandar’s observation.

“Alright, everyone,” Skandar announced loudly, clapping his hands once, “good day’s work! See you all tomorrow, bright and EARLY!!” There was a slight groan from some of the younger cast members but most just smiled and nodded. Skye watched Skandar and closed her laptop. She went over to the stage and began to gather her things, getting ready to leave.

Something inside of William gave him an electric shock and told him he could NOT let her leave that building before he talked to her. So he did.

He ran over to her and began to walk next to her.

“Hi…” he said nervously. He didn’t know why he was nervous, he was just being friendly…right?

“Hello,” she said plainly. She didn’t have an accent, at least not one from that of New Zealand, but rather, from Boston.


“William Moseley,” she finished for him, not breaking her staring contest with the door handle of the auditorium exit.

“Right…how’d you--?”

“I don’t live under a rock despite what everyone must say around here. I’ve seen the movies. You’re a good actor; Skandar too. It’s an honor to work with you guys.”

“Right, sorry.” William had no idea on Earth why he was so jittery.

But he was.
And he liked it.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I didn’t quite catch your name.” He already knew her name; he just wanted to hear her say it.

“Skylar; Skylar Martlon. Everyone calls me Skye.”

“Oh, it’s a very pretty name; I like it.”

“…Thank you…” It sounded almost like a question to him. He ran out of things to say or ask, and tried to think quickly.

“Can I help you with something?” She asked after a long pause and Will just looking at her. She raised an eyebrow and waited patiently.

“Oh…no, I…I just…I mean…I wanted to introduce myself. Not that I’d expect you wouldn’t know who I am…NOT…that I would think that you might not know…” She chuckled at his nervousness.

“There’s really no reason to be all…jittery.” She chose her words carefully and smiled at him, a half smile, but a smile nonetheless. He laughed nervously, that kind of laugh that you see in the movies when the guy doesn’t know what to say, so he puts his hand behind his head and starts laughing and looking around.

“You’re absolutely right, I mean…no, no, that’s what I meant…” William figured he’d quit while he was slightly ahead. She gave a short laugh and shook her head.

“Well it was nice meeting you, William. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She held out her hand for him to shake and he just looked at it, his hand behind his head before he realized that he was to shake it.

“OH! Yeah…tomorrow…” He said, almost dazedly as he shook her hand slowly.

And before he knew it, she had left the building, leaving him completely disoriented.

But he liked it.

witch from boston, what's her deal?, william mosely, skandar keynes

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