Apr 02, 2009 12:50
I figure its more than time for me to make another update about recent life and stuff. I have had to go back home for emergency dental treatment which is not fun at all. I'm getting a temporary filling put in later, but, the dentist thinks it is probably going to have to be pulled out in the long run. Or a root canal. Which he can't do and privately costs about £700. So this is most definitely not yay.
I am working at Holland and Barrets again. This is, oddly enough, a yay. I love having a bit of income and it gets me out of my room and doing something productive which is also great. I also get to learn about herbs and things again. Suprised at how much I remember but sadly lots and lots of gaps in my product knowledge. No commision for me. :(
I got to see Mavis yesterday (which was of course the awesome sauce) and I bought some new trainers. Sadly they are a little too big for me I have since realised. Now I have to decide whether to take them back or just keep them and say whatever. Hmm. Decisions, decisions. Ended up having quite a long chat with the cashier too who likes Holland and Barrets products ... But not the price. Which I can understand. >.
tunbridge well,