Oct 18, 2006 14:00
I have managed to put myself in a bit of a hole. Another one that is. I currently work at Holland and Barretts in Windsor as a Sunday worker only. However my supervisor has just quit and I've been offered the role of weekend Supervisor with fridays in addition definite.
But go me, I had an interview with Stainesburys (ie Staines Sainsburys) and now they want me too. Stain. is closer and Oliver works there, but at H&B I'd be a supervisor. Pay would be a little better, and I'm getting used to working there. But it would be easier to get employed by S again after my year abroad and I might even be able to transfer. H&B would be more work, Exams to pass, training to attend, but I'd be able to earn comission after passing them.
For doing both, at best it would be keeping my normal Sundays and Fridays at H&B and not taking the supervisorship & annoying my manager who is so sweet and new and is now losing all of her workforce, and doing Sainsburys on Saturdays and Monday mornings ... Which leaves me precisely no free time for anything but homework and essays and maybe possibly German Soc socials. I need free time or I die. Metaphorically. I do stress so easily and it affects my mood, my work, my drawing and just everything. I think I'm probably going to just stick with H&B but ... Argh. It's all so ... Confusing?
Not to mention I think I'm jeopardising both jobs by not turning my mobile on so I can talk to them ... Oh and TW20's want me to work on Monday morning 8.30 - 2 and I haven't replied to them either. Now, why didn't this happen to me in the holidays when I didn't have uni work and needed all this work?!
Lol ... And I wonder how I manage to make such a mess of things! Heh heh heh ... Heh. ><;;;
On the plus side, I really feel loved now. Maybe I'm not so unemployable afterall ne? ^_^
Best Wishes my Friends. Be well.