Jul 09, 2006 14:06
Was feeling a bit down and weird so I went for a walk with my CD player, as my MP3 gave out ages ago. And it was great. I twisted my foot and cut my leg, it drizzled on me, I saw three birds that had been run over, and discovered that there was no battery power left in the CD player. Then I decided to deviate from my normal route when I saw a public footpath sign, with a way leading up to it that was somewhat overgrown. Afterall I reasoned I won't be able to discover more of Pett in Surrey will I? So I walked up that way and saw what looked like a tiny battlement in the middle of the field. I had absolutely no idea what it was. I was certain there had never been any castles in Pett and also that it would have been the smallest castle ever if that ruin was really a battlement. But as I got closer, I wasn't sure but I remembered a geography project I did a long time ago. In the war Pett was hardly a large threat but it was on the coast so some defense was needed. I think, although I am quite probably wrong, that it was one of the gun outposts, Nothing fancy just walls really. It was all overgrown inside and had one of those Keep out on pain of death signs so I decided to be good and not touch.
I then walked over to the next footpath sign and there it was, that I found it. The perfect spot to watch the sunrise. You could see the sea in this lovely V shape, and all around where the hills and countryside. It was also the entrance to a field of sheep. They were very patient with me. I was just standing there with the wind tousling my hair watching the sea for a while, and they were just standing and sitting there, watching me. And then I sang a little. Just phrases, words, no real tune exactly. Snatches from songs that often became other songs or made up rhymes from somewhere inside. Eventually when I decided I'd tortured the sheep enough I turned around and made my way back to the fence. I poiked at my CD player again and realised that one of the batteries had come out of its position and that when I slotted it back. Voila. I had music.
The sun had begun shining again, and the sky now seemed to have equal patches of overcast sky, with beautiful patches of blue and light lit up some of the grey and well, I never thought that I was one of the one in three people particularly affected by the weather, Usually with me it's context, people and the thoughts in my own head, but when that happened I couldn't help grinning. I started singing along with the CD, even worse than usual considering it was japanese music, and then I saw someone coming over the fence. I smiled some more and sang as quietly as I could because I didn't want to stop. And then I recognised him. I hadn't seen him for ages, and spoken to him for a far longer time. Last time I saw him in fact he was acting in a production of Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett (He made a fantastically charismatic Vlad) and I don't know. Something in me broke and I started giggling. In the way that I can't ever stop. I try and it gets worse. I was in complete hysterics. Somehow I have gained a new appreceation of the fact that I'm moving faraway ... Gosh I can't help but hope that he didn't recognise me. Otherwise I will have to hope that I never meet him again because when I looked up, he'd run away! And that only made me laugh a whole lot more ...
When I did get back I then got to see what styles and designs the wind had tried on my hair and that had me laughing all over again. So I thought I'd come and update about how wonderful nature and music were for the soul and how I wished I could have shared it with someone and then I saw Elle~chan's updates. I now have very definite and quite accute pain from where all the laughing comes from ...
Juice juice people, enjoy everything that is happening to you, and don't forget to laugh. ^_^