May 04, 2006 03:59
I'm not actually procrastinating, but I figured something other than essays for ten minutes would be a good idea. And when my nose started bleeding I figured that my break might as well be now. Stupid Nose Bleeds. *Proceeds to bleed on Update* >_<
Well yes I'm a moron for having left the essays this late. Its mostly slef-inflicted that I'm gonna have to stay up ... Well I was thinking all night but on second thought I might, depending how philosophy goes, take a couple of hours off and sleep. I've got 1,102 words for it now, and a plan for the rest. Hopefully by 6 it will be complete!
I'm a bit panicked by the Short German actually. I've run into a wall with it, and I no longer know how to continue ... Film I managed to find a wonderful essay on JSTOR for, so when I thought it was finished I'm actually going back and adding bits. (Its now 390 words over the maximum ... Whoops.) History is mostly irrelevant so I'm trying to think of sneaky ways to make it not irrelevant and panicking that its not good enough and well yeah, I'm no historian. Literature I'm really nearly done (maybe another paragraph to complete) although no outside sources for that.
The Listening exams on tuesday were ok too. Or at least they could have been so much worse!! >-< I know there were some bits I messed but I *think* I've passed.
I'd like to babble on a bit about how much I've enjoyed seeing people again, but at this precise moment in time, I just don't have time. I will though at some point. There have been heroic type things, cuddles, laughing, poiking and random stuffs galore ~ and to be honest, save this present panic over essays 'I'm lovin' it!'
Its odd ... There are so many things I love about Holloway, so why do I sometimes want to leave so bad? Not at the moment though. -^_^- I'm enjoying the beautiful campus and being with my RHUL friends again far too much to want to leave at the mo. Even with these exams and essays. I think ... It must kust be dissatisfaction/uncertainty about the course ... And how much I miss the art I guess.
Right thats my ten (damn fifteen) mins. I hope everyone else is doing fine and enjoying things lots. ^^
Mit Balsamschutz!
nose bleed,