On and On...

Apr 16, 2005 21:15

Highlights from the last few days include being lost in SF traffic, an extremely strange (and scary) waiter, some great conversations about philosophy, and inexplicable fatigue. I fought it today and ran for the first time in what seems like weeks. This is good because I'm running a 5K in about two weeks. I've already decided that I'm not running for time. I'm going to run in boots and utes (it'll be the first time I've worn a uniform since I left the USMC), so I'm going to take it nice and slow. I'm going to enjoy it instead of running competitively.

Now I have to figure out how to get the most out of the two weeks or so I have left to train without overdoing it.

I guess running tonight instead of getting drunk was a step in the right direction.
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