Reflect on the past year in your life. Did you have children? Did you find 'God', forsake God? Did you marry? Break up? What was this past year like in your life?
Fuchsia looked at the question on the page thoughtfully. An awful lot had happened to her, but most of it was already recorded in the journal to begin with. Still, she took up her pen and began to respond.
I shall start with the questions first -- Did I have children? No, but I have conceived a child -- I shall be due in about four or five months, depending on when the child decides to make its appearance.
I suppose that I 'found god' (or rather, gods) when I began to be introduced to various gods via this Journal, corresponded with them, and then have them as celebrants at my wedding, guests at my parties, and all of that. But I don't think the question is really about that. In short, therefore, I did not cleave to new religious beliefs, nor reject previously held ones...well, wait. Maybe I'm being too dismissive of that. I know that during my first life, my dissatisfaction with my state and my brothers caused me to hate Gormenghast and all it represented -- I 'spit on the Stones', quite literally. And Gormenghast is at the heart of all the rituals we do, the peak representation of all we can be. But in the past, Gormenghast represented aging, dust, decay, unfairness, stifling to me. And now, in this second life, I'm seeing Gormenghast as something that can be reborn, improved, something growing and beautiful -- like a butterfly coming out of a very old cocoon. I've come to love my city, to hear its Heart beat. I feel connected to it once again. So I suppose my answer to this portion is yes -- I have found my city, and the life and meaning in its rituals once again.
Did I marry? Yes -- although the actual wedding was quite hasty, and necessary for political reasons. But I have come to enjoy being a wife immeasurably.
Did I break up? No, but at the start I had to deal with the breakup/division which occured in my first existance, and let that heal before Steerpike and I could progress further.
This past year was my life -- my renewed life, since previously I had been dead. And it has seen my return to Gormenghast (when I thought that was gone forever), and so very many changes. Who knows what the new year shall bring?
(Cross-posted to