It had been nigh on two months since Fuchsia had last responded to the questions that magically appeared in the leather-bound Journal in her boudoir; indeed, she had locked the book in the bottom drawer of her writing desk, after fears that a meeting
similar to the one she had with
ripley_8 might happen again. And yet as months drew on longer and longer since the last time she had made an entry, Fuchsia began to worry that if she did not respond to the questions, something terrible in another way might occur -- after all, the journals had been there when
she & Steerpike had first re-awakened. The journal, she felt, was somehow a key to their renewed life. And if she did not respond to the Journal, perhaps that life (which had grown so, so dear!) might be taken away.
Therefore Fuchsia unlocked the drawer and drew out the book and its attendant pen, and began to write in response to the questions.
Describe the best 24 hours you ever had
When I think back to my first life -- before the Great Deluge, that is -- I can remember moments of happiness, things here and there that pleased me, but I can't remember a whole day that I especially liked. In my second life, this most recent renewal of life, I think that the best 24 hours were during the time after Steerpike and I had put aside our anger and frustration at each other and realized that we truly were in love. Again, I can't give an exact day - it all blurs together! But it was after I'd descended from my treehouse and moved into Steerpike's cottage up on the tallest mountain overlooking Gormenghast: we could hear the bells from the castle-city below, he taught me how to bake bread…and at night he taught me a good many other things, too! And finally we could embrace and kiss and be open about our feelings and attraction, when before it had always been hidden away, and poisoned by other interests and desires.
Who would you like to see get their final comeuppance? Who is it and just what would you do with them?
[This section of the entries locked from
I think back to who it has been who has wronged me and those I love the most, with this question. Swelter the Cook made Steerpike's life (and surely the lives of untold numbers of kitchen boys like Steerpike) a hell on earth, but he was killed when he fell from a great height while trying to attack Mr. Flay. I hadn't known this for a long time, until Mr. Flay told Titus and me about our father's sad end at the Tower of Flints, and also the ending fate of Swelter.
With no little bit of trouble in my mind, I think of my mother. I cannot hate her totally, because she gave birth to me. And she is my mother. But she could have pressed for more meaning in my life, instead of me being pushed to the side and forgotten so much of the time --especially after Titus' birth. She could've pressed for more opportunities for women to rule instead of only men -- that would have freed the pressure upon Titus (who didn’t want to rule) and given some more meaning to me (I didn't necessarily hunger for power, but I wanted something, anything to do). But mother died in due time, after my own death. So that's that.
And then -- with the greatest reticence in my mind -- I think of Steerpike. My love, my husband, my Earl, and the father of my baby-to-come. And yet it was on account of him that my father went mad and killed himself, thinking that he was one of the Death Owls. And he killed my mad aunts Cora & Clarice, dear Mr. Flay...and since my brother has returned, he's wished to kill him too. So he alone of all the people I know has deserved a comeuppance -- yet didn't he get his? Titus killed him before; once is enough, isn't it? Because I love and need him so much that I couldn't bear to have him hurt again.
What do you have to be thankful for?
So many things! Being alive at all, truly -- the fact that Steerpike and I were given a second chance at life even after death. And not just reincarnated (which I have read about, and it's a very interesting idea, though I don't know if I truly believe it), but alive again in our own bodies, with our own memories. Everything else seems so very secondary to just being alive.
(Cross-posted to