Dec 09, 2007 18:26
"This is going to sound weird, but I think I've finally decided to put this livejournal behind me. My life has changed so much in the past two months that when I look back on my earlier posts I recognize that I am no longer at the same place that I was when I wrote this entire blog (although I still shudder to use the word blog to describe anything I write.) That being said I think that reading this Livejournal through is highly encouraged to anyone who wants to see who I was in the final year of my high school life and into my Freshman year of college. Those were the years that truly shaped who I have become today. It was in those years that I learned how to deal with my emotions towards my friends, towards my parents, towards (gasp) the girls I've liked."
Haha. It is now a year after I think I wrote this. I'm not even sure. I logged onto this account for the first time since writing this to find that it had saved the draft. I guess I'll do "One Year Ago Eric" the favor of finally posting this. I agree with him/myself. This blog always makes me feel like I've come such a long way in the way I deal with my life, the world, and most importantly God's importance in all of that. I love reading over my old entries again because I am often surprised that I was so eloquent at times and I really enjoy seeing the way my viewpoints on things have changed, or how they shaped where I am today in life. I guess I envy the old Eric, who had the time and dedication to put effort into this. It's such a concrete look into my thoughts (concrete, until the internet is haxored by terrorists and we lose our entire way of life). I hope someone enjoys these as much as I did. God bless.